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Hertz, abbreviated Hz. In unit analysis, this can also be written as 1/s, s standing for seconds.

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Q: The frequency of a wave is measured with the unit which is?
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The unit in which wave frequency is measured?

Hertz (Hz)

How can you derive the unit of frequency from basic units?

If the wave speed is measured in m/s, the wave length is measured in m, and the wave speed divided by the wave length = the frequency, then: m/s / m = 1/s thus the unit of frequency is 1/s or s^-1

What is the frequency of a wave measured by?

The frequency of a wave is measured in Hertz.

What is the term for the unit that measured wave frequency?

The unit of frequency is "Hertz", abbreviated "Hz". Also called "cycles". Also called "per second".

What is the frequency of of a wave measured in?

The standard unit for ANY type of frequency is the Hertz - cycles per second. Its dimensions are (1 / second).

What is frequency of wave measured in?

It is measured in Hertz (Hz).

What is the unit of a wave?

Frequencies are measured in hertz. 1 Hz = 1 vibration (or cycle) per second.

Number of waves produced per second?

This is known as the frequency of the wave and has the unit Hertz. Hertz is capitalized because it was named after a real person.The reciprocal of frequency is the period of the wave. That is the time in seconds for one wave to pass.

What it means for a wave to have a frequency of hertz?

hertz is what frequency waves are measured in.

The number of waves that pass a given point per unit time is the?

...frequency.That's called the wave's frequency. Often measured in Hertz (Hz).

What unit is sound frequency measured in?

Frequency is measured in hertz. Cycles per second.

Is frequency of a sound wave defined as the amount of energy passing through a unit area of the wave front in a unit of time?

The _______ of a sound wave is defined as the amount of energy passing through a unit area of the wave front in a unit of time. Correct answer=frequency