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Vapor, Steam, Mist or Fog. Take your pick.

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12y ago

water vapour or steam :P hope it helped

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Q: The gaseous state of water is often referred to as what?
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Water in its gas state is called?

Water in it's gaseous form is referred to as steam. steam

What gases of water is often referred to as?

H2O as a gas is called water vapour. Liquid and gaseous water molecules are made up of hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

What is a water in a gaseous state?

Water in a gaseous state is water vapour, or mist. It is commonly known as steam if the water has been heated.

What do we commonly call water in its gaseous state?

Gaseous water is called vapours.

What is water in a gaseous state called?

Water in a gaseous state is water vapour, or mist. It is commonly known as steam if the water has been heated.

In the atmosphere water is in what state?


What are examples of gaseous states of water?

Steam, clouds, and fog are all examples of water in a gaseous state.

What does water do when it evaporates?

it turns from a liquid state to a gaseous state

What is the energy of the highest energy state?

water in a gaseous state

In what three states does water exist?

Water can exist in a solid state as ice, a liquid state as water, and a gaseous state as water vapor.

When does water enter a gaseous state?

When it evaporates.

Matter state of water in the atmosphere?
