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Fiscal policy

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Q: The government purchases a large amount of domestically grown grain?
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What policy would this fit in The government limits the amount of European grain that can be sold in the US?

This policy can be categorized as a trade restriction or trade quota. It aims to limit the amount of European grain sold in the US market by imposing quantitative restrictions or quotas on the volume of grain that European countries can export to the US. This policy is intended to protect domestic grain producers from foreign competition and maintain domestic food security.

Where did the colonies sell their surplus grain in the middle colonies?

Colonial surplus grain from the middle colonies was sold to the West Indies and other colonies, and many other countries, except England. In order to protect its own producers, England discouraged grain Purchases from the colonies by the imposition of heavy duties on colonial grain.

Which is better for you health granola cereal or whole-grain cereal based on kcal per serving kcal from fat amount of sodium amount of dietary fiber and amount of sugar?

Which is better for you, Health Granola Cereal or Whole-Grain Cereal based on KCAL per serving, KCAL from fat, amount of sodium, amount of dietary fiber, and amount of sugar.

Where did the farmers in this region sell their surplus?

Colonial surplus grain from the middle colonies was sold to the West Indies and other colonies, and many other countries, except England. In order to protect its own producers, England discouraged grain Purchases from the colonies by the imposition of heavy duties on colonial grain.

1 - Which feed or grain provides a horse with the highest amount of energy?

corn corn

What feed or grain provieds a horse with the highest amount of energy?

oats that's my guess

How much pure grain alcohol to add to what amount of mix?

to make a 40% alcohol

Food groups will be highest in carbs?

The grain food group has the highest amount of carbohydrates.

Does the amount of whole grain in cereal affect it's level of sogginess?

no, well not with my ceral

Why are there no large paddy field as there are for other grain?

Because water is needed in large amount

Why was it important for emperors not to neglect actors why was this more important than the grain dole?

The emperors did not neglect actors because of their performances on stage. The important grain dole is the government.

What term means farm building or a place to store grain?

a place for storing grain could be in a granary but I am not sure so if it could be a granary.