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a. seek spirituality through the use of reason.

b. pay more attention to the scientific method.

c. abandon their Puritan and Anglican congregations.

d. shift their loyalty from England to America.

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It caused the colonists to speak spiritually through the use of reason

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Q: The great awakening caused some colonist to?
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How did the ideas of the great awakening affect individual colonists and why did some ministers oppose the movement?

The Great Awakening stirred many, but not all, colonists. The Great Awakening had great effect on the Prebyterian Church in the middle colonies. Traditional and evangelical ideas were in conflict even in these remote frontier regions. Frontier missionary Charles Woodman tried to fight the changes brought about the Great Awakening. (Got this straight from the book) Hope this helps! :)

What significant social impact did the Great Awakening have in eighteenth-century Colonial America?

The social impact that the Great awakening had in 18th century colonial America was that it opened the doors of some white churches. The churches were now opened to African Americas and Indians.

What impacts did the Second Great Awakening have on American Society?

The Second Great Awakening had a profound effect on American society in the early 19th century. It was a religious revival that spread throughout the country and it had far-reaching consequences that impacted various aspects of society. Below are some of the impacts that it had: It led to the growth of many new denominations such as the Baptists Methodists and Presbyterians. It sparked a period of religious fervor as people sought to convert others to their faith. It allowed for the spread of religious ideas such as the belief in a personal relationship with God. It encouraged people to become involved in social reform such as the abolition of slavery. It helped to shape the values of the American people as many of the ideas espoused during the Second Great Awakening have been incorporated into the American psyche.The Second Great Awakening had a significant impact on American society and its effects are still felt today. Its legacy can be seen in the religious landscape of the United States as well as in the values that many Americans hold dear.

how did the great awakening affect americans?

Those caught up in the movement likely experienced new forms of religiosity. They became passionately and emotionally involved in their religion, rather than passively listening to intellectual discourse in a detached manner. Ministers who used this new style of preaching were sometimes called "new lights," while the preachers who remained unemotional were referred to as "old lights." People affected by the revival began to study The Bible at home. This effectively decentralized the means of informing the public on religious manners and was akin to the individualistic trends present in Europe during the Protestant Reformation. Historians have debated whether the Awakening had a political impact on the American Revolution, which took place soon after. Heimert (1966) argues that Calvinism and Jonathan Edwards provided pre-Revolutionary America with a radical and democratic social and political ideology and that evangelical religion embodied and inspired a thrust toward American nationalism. Colonial Calvinism was the basis for the American Great Awakening and that in turn lay at the basis of the American Revolution. Heimert thus sees a major impact as the Great Awakening provided the radical American nationalism that prompted the Revolution. Awakening preachers sought to review God's covenant with America and to repudiate the materialistic, acquisitive, corrupt world of an affluent colonial society. The source of this corruption lay in England, and a severance of the ties with the mother country would result in a rededication of America to the making of God's Kingdom. However, Heimert has been criticized for not recognizing the differences between educated and uneducated evangelists, and for not recognizing the significance of Separate-Baptists and Methodists. The First Great Awakening resulted from powerful preaching that aimed to convince listeners of their personal guilt and of their need of salvation through decisive action that included public repentance. The Great Awakening led people to "experience God in their own way" and taught that they were responsible for their own actions. Pulling away from ritual and ceremony, the Great Awakening made religion intensely personal to the average person by creating a deep sense of spiritual guilt and redemption, along with introspection and a commitment to a new standard of personal morality.Historian Sydney E. Ahlstrom sees it as part of a "great international Protestant upheaval" that also created Pietism in Germany, the Evangelical Revival and Methodism in England. The attempt at conversion brought about an apocalyptic event in New England that challenged established authority. It incited rancor and division between the old traditionalists who insisted on ritual and doctrine, and the new revivalists. It had a major impact in reshaping the Congregational, Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed and German Reformed denominations, and strengthened the small Baptist and Methodist denominations. It had little impact on Anglicans and Quakers. Unlike the Second Great Awakening, which began about 1800 and reached out to the unchurched, the First Great Awakening focused on people who were already church members. It may have contributed to changes in some followers' ritual behavior, piety, and sense of self.

Did the fighting at Lexington and Concord lead to more casualties for the British than for the minutemen?

yes, i dont know the exate numbers but the british killed some 50 colonists and the colonist killed hundreds of british

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The great awakening cause some colonist to abandon their old Puritain and or Anglican churches.

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How did the ideas of the great awakening affect individual colonists and why did some ministers oppose the movement?

The Great Awakening stirred many, but not all, colonists. The Great Awakening had great effect on the Prebyterian Church in the middle colonies. Traditional and evangelical ideas were in conflict even in these remote frontier regions. Frontier missionary Charles Woodman tried to fight the changes brought about the Great Awakening. (Got this straight from the book) Hope this helps! :)

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What was greate awakening?

The second after the First Great Awakening in the New England territory. It was the spread the religions from the eastern territory to the newly claimed western territory by the evangelists. It encouraged the citizens to focus in religion rather than in their useless business. The Second Great Awakening caused an intensity of anti-slavery movements and anti- Catholic movements as well. Despite that, there were restrictions in the North against free Blacks and a few states banned free Blacks from entering some states.

When did the great awakening take place and what were some of its leaders?

In 1720s and the leaders were George Whitfield and Jonathan Edwards

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Why did some American colonist object to paying taxes to great Britain?

The colonies did not have representation in Parliament

What significant social impact did the Great Awakening have in eighteenth-century Colonial America?

The social impact that the Great awakening had in 18th century colonial America was that it opened the doors of some white churches. The churches were now opened to African Americas and Indians.

How did the second great awakening support the abolitionist's movement?

The Second Great Awakening promoted the idea of individual moral responsibility and social reform, leading some people to see slavery as a sin and advocate for its abolition. Abolitionists used religious arguments and moral appeals to gain support for ending slavery, drawing on the fervor of the religious revivalism of the Second Great Awakening to mobilize anti-slavery sentiment. The religious fervor of the Second Great Awakening helped to galvanize and inspire individuals to take action against the institution of slavery.