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The social impact that the Great awakening had in 18th century colonial America was that it opened the doors of some white churches. The churches were now opened to African Americas and Indians.

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Q: What significant social impact did the Great Awakening have in eighteenth-century Colonial America?
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Why was the great awakening so important to colonial America?

The Great Awakening was important,because it was when religious freedom was there

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Great Awakening

Which best describes the Great Awakening in colonial America?

A rejection of religious formality in American churches

The two most important leaders of the Great Awakening in colonial America were?

Jonathan Edwards & George Whitefield

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George Whitefield traveled to America seven times throughout his life to preach the gospel. He was a prominent preacher in the Great Awakening movement and played a significant role in shaping religious beliefs in colonial America.

WHICH WAS THE GREAT AWAKENING of significant religious changes in America during the latter years of the nineteenth century.?


Great Awakening was a time of significant religious changes in America during the latter years of the nineteenth century.?


Which Great Awakening was a time of significant religious changes in America during the latter years of the nineteenth century?


Do you believe sermons played a significant religious role in colonial America?

Yes. Powerful preachers were found in colonial America and these men played a major role in the religious life of the colonists.

The upper classes in colonial America consisted of?

The upper classes in colonial America consisted of wealthy landowners, merchants, and professionals such as doctors and lawyers. This group held significant economic and political power, often dominating colonial society and government.

What were the three religions of the Great Awakening?

The three main religions of the Great Awakening in 18th-century colonial America were Congregationalism, Presbyterianism, and Baptism. These religious movements emphasized personal religious experience, emotional expressions of faith, and a return to traditional religious values.

What best describes the Great Awakening in colonial America?

The Great Awakening was a religious revival movement that swept through the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s. It emphasized a more personal and emotional experience of Christianity and challenged the authority of established churches. It had a significant impact on American society, fostering religious diversity, promoting religious liberty, and contributing to the development of a shared national identity.