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Ashlee Farrell

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Q: The greater the amount of coating the axon the faster the nerve impulse will be transmitted to the synapse.?
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The greater the amount of coating the axon the faster the nerve impulse will be transmitted to the synapse?


What is the name of the region where two neurons are in done contact is known as?

synapse is that junction through which impulse can be transmitted from one neuron to another.

What is the location from which a nerve impulse is transmitted from one nerve cell to another?


Space through which a nervous impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another?

The space through which a nervous impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another is called a synapse. It is a tiny gap between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another, where neurotransmitters carry signals across the gap to continue the message.

What happens to the body when the receptors that remove catecholamines from a synapse have very low activity?

No impulse is transmitted. Hence the all or nothing principal.

How does the impulse jump the synapse?

Chemical diffusion

What is a synapse and how is information transmitted at the synapse?

A synapse is the gap between two neurones where messages can be sent.

A small space across which an impulse travels to move from one neuron to another?

It is most definitely a synapse.

What generate and transmit nerve impulse?

A sensory stimulus can generate a neural impulse, as can repeated or multiple inputs of neural signals from other neurons.A neural signal is transmitted from one neuron to anotheracross a synapse via chemicals called neurotransmitters, and a neural impulse is transmitted along an axon of a neuron by either an action potential (in an unmyelinated axon) or by saltatory conduction (in a myelinated axon).

What carries an impulse across a synapse to a muscle?


What happens at the synapse between two neuron?

At the synapse, the electrical impulse between the two neutrons at synapse set of chain chemical reactions which create a chemical impulse at the synapse.

Where does an impulse move from on neuron to the other?

The impulse has to cross over a synapse to another neuron or an effector.