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Q: The greatest change in momentum will be produced by a large force acting over a(n) period of time.?
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How do forces cause a change in an object's momentum?

A force acting on a body causes acceleration. Acceleration is measure of the rate of change in the object's velocity. As its velocity changes, its momentum, which is the product of its mass and velocity, will change.

What force acting for 0.025 seconds will change the velocity of a 100 gram baseball from 35 ms eastward to 20 ms westward?

use the Impulse-Momentum theorem where (Fnewtons)(tseconds)=change in momentum change in momentum=Pf-Pi; P=mv

When the net torque acting on an object is zero the object is in?

In that case, the object's rotational momentum won't change.

What is a direction of impulse?

impulse is equal to force which is acting on the body and ti me in small interval which is equal to impulse is equal to change in momentum and direction of impulse is consider the direction of force and change in momentum.

In order to impart the greatest momentum to an object you should?

In order to impart the greatest momentum to an object, you should both exert the largest force possible upon the object in question and extend that force for as long as possible. This is so because the greater the force acting on an object results in a greater change in velocity, which in turn yields a greater momentum. In addition to exerting the largest force possible on an object, you should also extend that force over the longest period of time as possible, as the sustained force also produces more momentum. As p= m•v, the best method in obtaining the greatest amount for 'p' would be to manipulate either the 'm' or 'v' variables. Force= acceleration= change in velocity= MOMENTUM. Greater amount of time= MOMENTUM

Is it true that the net force acting on an object is equal to the rate of change of its momentum?

Yes, that's a true statement.

What is the relationship between force an momentum?

According to Newton's second law, the rate of change of momentum of an object is directly proportional to the net force that is acting on that object.

What is change in the speed of an object?

A change in the velocity is produced by a force acting on the object. A change in velocity means a change in speed or direction (or both).

Health care reforms have produced the greatest change in what?

life expectancy

How is the change in momentum calculated?

IN general change is defined as the difference of initial from the final. So change = Final - Initial. Hence change in momentum = Final momentum - initial momentum

What is impulsive?

Impulse is change in momentum. Refer to the related link for more information and equations concerning change in momentum.

Drop a stone from the top of a high cliff identify the system wherein the net momentum is zero as t?

The system wherein the net momentum is zero at all times during the stone's fall is the stone itself. Momentum is a vector quantity, and the stone experiences an equal and opposite change in momentum at each instant due to the gravitational force. The external forces acting on the stone can be neglected in this case.