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Q: The group that was allowed to enlist in the armed forces for the first time during World War 1 was?
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Could women enlist in the army during World War 1?

Not in the army, but as a nurse.

Did Portugal have any great contributions during World War 1?

Portugal allowed The Allied Forces to land in their ports and stock on ammo, which is very helpful....

Were woman allowed to join the armed forces in World War 2?

They were allowed to join the Womens Reserves

How did the amount of working women change during world war 1?

After the turn of the centery, more and more laws were being made. Because of the 19 adment women were starting to enlist in the armed forces. Eventually, many decades later, women started to finally come in the armed forces. Most in the army.

How did American celebrities become involved in the war effort during World War 2?

They encouraged people to enlist

What powers did the Ottoman Empire joined forces with during World War 1?

The Ottoman Empire joined forces with the AlliedCentralAxisEntente powers during World War I.

Are warrant officers still in use in the military?

Yes, Warrant Officers exist in several military forces. In British and Commonwealth forces (as well as some European forces, particularly those liberated by British forces during the Second World War), a Warrant Officer is the equivalent of what's known as a Senior Noncommissioned Officer (E7 and higher) in the US. In the US military, Warrant Officers are a type of technical specialist neither in the enlist or noncommissioned officer ranks.

What is the cause of the British blockade in Germany?

The British blockade tried to starve the Germans and their allies into submission during World War I. It also allowed the British forces to have dominance over the seas and attack at will.

Did the Versailles Treaty provide a clause that allowed for independence to the nations who contributed to the efforts of the Allied Forces during World War 1?

No they don't. I had this question on a test I put "True" and I got the question wrong.

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Leper Lepellier is the first of Gene's classmates to enlist in the military during World War II. He chooses to join a ski patrol unit after being inspired by a presentation at Devon school.

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Did German Americans enlist in the German army during World War 2?

probably, and those inducted when they were visiting Germany at the time war broke out.....