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Normal growth during puberty. This is just one example of change from child to adult.

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Q: The growth of body hair during puberty is an example of what?
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What part of your body growth during puberty?

There is an overall growth of the body .There is growth of facial, underarm and pubic hair. Increase in weight and height.

Is growth spurt a part of puberty?

Yes. Puberty is when your body is changing physically and mentally.

Why do teens grow rapidly in puberty?

During puberty, the brain signals adrenal to produce more hormones. THis causes all the glands to produce more hormones. These growth hormones cause growth in our body.

What are the aspects of growth that happen to girls and boys during puberty?

boys,have grow body hair ,girls have a mentruation

What are commons changes which occur during puberty in male and female both?

height,weight,age,body growth and growth of pubic hair

What are the different aspects of growth that happen to boys and girls during puberty?

boys,have grow body hair ,girls have a mentruation

Does the Apocrine gland become more active after Puberty?

Yes. Changes to the body during Puberty have many effects. Sweating is more active along with growth, muscles and sexual organs.

What is the difference between Growth during childhood and puberty?

the difference is that growth during childhood i just your bones and body growing at a regular rate. but growth during puberty is rapid growth of the body. For men it is: voice change, chest air, underarm hair, and pubic hair, increased size of the p**** and testes, production of sperm, and broadening of the shoulders For women it is:voice change (higher voice), underarm hair and pubic hair, menstruation, production of the ovaries, a widening of the waist.

What are the different physical changes during puberty or adolescence?

In males, the testis get bigger. In females, there is menstruation. Also the overall body growth is huge.

Why do your hands and feet grow during puberty?

There s a lot of hormones flowing through the body. Theses trigger bone and muscle growth.

What does puberty indicate?

Puberty is nothing but a span of rapid growth of body . It indicates that the time has come to start sexual development. At the end of puberty, the body is mature to bear child

Why do peolpe go through puberty?

Puberty is nothing but a phase during which the body grows rapidly. The brain gives the signals to produce more hormones which lead to sexual maturity, overall physical growth ,etc