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Q: The hallucinogenic drug tha acts both as a stimulant and a depressant is?
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Is canabis a depressant stimulant or hallucinogen?

Cannabis is both a depressant and a euphoric with mild hallucinogenic properties.

Is smoking a depressant or a stimulant?

Not a hallucinogen. It is either a stimulant, depressant or both depending on the strain.

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Is tobacco a stimulant depressant or hallucinogen?

Tobacco is both a stimulant and hallucinogenic. It is a stimulant because of the nicotine ingredient, and a hallucinogen because it also contains the harmala alkaloids harman and norharman, which are hallucinogens.

What type of drug is cannabis stimulant depressant pain killer or hallucinogenic?

From Wikipedia: "While many drugs clearly fall into the category of either stimulant, depressant, hallucinogen, or antipsychotic, cannabis, containing both THC and CBD, exhibits a mix of all properties, leaning towards hallucinogen properties due to THC being the primary constituent."

Does Marijuana has the characteristics of both a stimulant and depressant?

i like flatulating

Is tobacco a depressant?

Short term stimulant- long term depressant!!

Does alcohol have both stimulant and depresant effects?

Alcohol is both a stimulant and a depressant. After a certain amount of drinks alcohol switches from a stimulant to a depressant.Several thoughts expressed, those they mostly say "No.":No, alcohol is not a stimulant, it is a central nervous system depressant in that it slows or depresses the functioning of the body. However, it is often considered a stimulant in that it enhances mood and stimulates conviviality and makes you feel good for a while. Alcohol is not a stimulant despite many beliefs. Alcohol is a depressant.Technically, it is both a stimulant and a depressant. After your blood-alcohol reaches a certain percent, around .08, there is so much in your body that the effects switch from a stimulant to a depressant.No, alcohol is considered to be a depressant. That is, it slows bodily functions. However, it stimulates or elevates mood.No. It is a depressant, and the funny part is when people are depressed - they DRINK IT.Alcohol is a depressant and a stimulant.No. Alcohol is classified as a depressant.Alcohol is considered to be both a stimulant and a sedative for humans. It is a stimulant when you first consume the alcohol but becomes a sedative if you drink too much or once you start losing the alcohol in your system.Yes, Alcohol can act as a stimulant.Alcohol is a depressant in that it slows or depresses bodily functions. However, it has the tendency to elevate mood.The alcohol is a drug, when is used systematic. The drug are making you feel good for a coulpe of minutes, or our and then the mood goes down and the people feel depressed, tired and angry. So the alcohol is more a depressant than a stimulant. Absolutely a depressant.While alcohol is classified as a depressant, it also demonstrates stimulatory and hallucinogenic properties in humans. It increases physical movement and promotes positive mood. Low doses are commonly related to the stimulating effect while higher doses are know to cause hallucinations, especially during withdrawal.No, alcohol is a depressant.depressant.It's a depressant but it can stimulate peoples emotions and behavior.Depressant.No. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, the exact opposite of a stimulant. It may make a user feel more energetic for a short time, but that is by changing the drinkers perception, not her metabolism.First of all, alcohol is not a stimulant, it is a depressant. Individuals may have feelings of excitement, because endorphins are released to counter-act the effects of the depression of the central nervous system. Once that wears off, the effects become clear.The opposite- it is a depressant.No. It has long been classified as a alchole is not a stimulantAlcohol, when consumed, acts as the opposite of a stimulant or upper. Alcohol depresses the central nervous system, and in the process greatly decreases the level of good judgment. Since alchol depresses the central nervous system, it negatively affects sight, hearing, balance, and so forth.Alcohol is a depressant.slows down ur CNS. its a depressant if i am WRONG SORRYslows down ur CNS. its a depressant if i am WRONG SORRYYes alcohol classifies as a stimulant because it is a depressant. A stimulant is anything that alters your state of mind.No its just the opposite its a depressantIt is a Depressant.

What is the addictive substance found in tobacco and why is it considered a stimulant?

The addictive substance in cigarettes is Nicotine. Unusually, Nicotine is both a stimulant, and a depressant, which is one of the reasons it is so addictive both physically and mentally. It excites and clears your mind like caffeine (stimulant) , but at the same time calms and relaxes you, like alcohol (depressant).

Is Ritalin a depressant or tranquilizer?

Methylphenidate improved both social anxiety and ADHD symptoms in adults, study found.

Is alcohol a depressant or stimulant?

Stimulants are drugs that give you energy while depressants calm the body down. Alcohol has the ability to do both of these things. It can be confusing to understand, but alcohol is a depressant drug.

Is cannabis a stimulant or depressant?

From Wikipedia: "While many drugs clearly fall into the category of either stimulant, depressant, hallucinogen, or antipsychotic, cannabis, containing both THC and CBD, exhibits a mix of all properties, leaning towards hallucinogen properties due to THC being the primary constituent."