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Q: The health risks associated with obesity are generally the greatest for those who carry their excess weight around their?
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What theory was associated with Nicolaus Copernicus?

Copernicus is generally accredited with the idea that the Earth revolved around the Sun.

How do you live with obesity?

Generally you live with it by continuing to do what you were doing before. Sometimes trying to work on it, other times not so much. But your desires change and you do less and less moving around and more and more sitting around.

How many woman in the U.S have obesity?

Around half the population of the U.S is made up of people who have obesity. Other countries such as Europe, China and France have a smaller obesity population.

Around what age will children die of obesity?

5 months and older

When was The Greatest Taste Around created?

The Greatest Taste Around was created in 1997.

Was obesity a problem in ancient Greece?

Obesity was around in Ancient Greece but it was never seen as a bad thing. In fact obesity was a good sign as it showed off how rich you and your family were. This theory is still used in poor countries to show your wealth.

What are somes types of fat distribution patterns?

Two types of fat distribution (as far as obesity goes) are Android Obesity and Gynoid Obesity. Android is often thought of as "apple-shaped" where fat is carried above the waist (think beer gut) whereas Gynoid obesity is thought of as "pear-shaped" and fat is carried below the waist. Android is more common in men and Gynoid is more common in women. Of the two, Android poses the greatest threat because the adipose (fat) tissue builds up around the vital organs and makes you more susceptible to a wide range of diseases.

Cardiovascular disease risk is greatest for people who tend to store body fat in the?

Abdomen. The male "beer belly" pattern of fat storage around the abdominal organs is more associated with heart disease than the female pattern of storing it around the hips and buttocks.

Where there is magnitude of the magnetic field around a permanent magnet greatest?

I am not sure but magnitude of magnetic field around its poles is greatest.

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What common characteristic is NOT associated with terrorist activities known around the world

Does constipation make you fat?

Extreme constipation can cause the stomach to bloat and distend. In the vast majority of cases it is the other way around. The poor diet leading to obesity as well as the obesity itself makes you constipated.

What happens if you sit around too much?

Habitual physical inactivity can lead to poor muscle tone and obesity.