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pit organ

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Q: The heat-sensing organ used by timber rattlesnakes to locate a motionless animal in total darkness is called?
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The heat-sensing organ used by timber rattlesnakes to locate a motionless animal in total darkness is called the what?

Pit Organ

The heat-sensing organ used by timber rattlesnakes to locate a motionless animal in total darkness is called the?

pit organ

Do rattlesnakes eat desert badgers?

Rattlesnakes could not eat an animal as large as a badger. However, badgers will sometimes feed on rattlesnakes.

What animal tries to harm rattlesnakes?


What type of animal is a rattlesnake?

Rattlesnakes are related to other pit vipers such as the copperhead and the cottonmouth.

Is a rattlesnake an invertebrate animal?

No, rattlesnakes are, as are all snakes, vertebrates.

What is an animal that is in a desert?

camels ,kangaroo rats, rattlesnakes ,javalinas and other ones.

Is a rattlesnake a warm blooded animal?

No. Rattlesnakes (as are all snakes) are cold blooded.

How do rattlesnakes ignore plants and animals?

First of all, rattlesnakes do not ignore animals. They hunt them for food. Secondly, Rattlesnakes, like all animals, have a sense of sight. They can tell the difference between a plant, which they don't eat, and an animal, which they do.

What is the animal bat surrounding?

It is the darkness

What is a rattlesnake's home?

Rattlesnakes do not have 'homes.' They do seek shelter from extreme climate in rock crevices, under rocks or logs and in animal burrows.

What animal is considered to be the king of desert?

Camels, tarantulas, scorpions, gila monsters, rattlesnakes.