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ultraviolet, vitamin D

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Q: The in the sun can transform skin cells into helping the body absorb calcium and prevent rickets?
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What in the sun can transform skin cells to help the body absorb calcium and prevent rickets?

vitamin D

What nutrient is required to help prevent rickets?

if we don't eat any calcium in our life it will cause rickets

What bone disease is called by the lack of calcium in the diet?

Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

What is the vitamin needed to prevent rickets?

vitamin D will prevent rickets.

Are rickets caused by microbes?

No, rickets is not caused by microbes. Rickets is caused by a lack of vitamin D, calcium or phosphate.

What vitamin is needed for rickets?

Vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential, along with calcium and phosphorous , to healthy bone growth. Lack of it can softening and weakening of the bones, leading to delayed growth, bowed legs, and other deformities, which are the symptoms of rickets. Even if one has a diet with plenty of calcium, vitamin D is still essential for helping the body absorb that calcium.

What is the disease that is caused by lack of calcium?

Rickets, Osteoporosis.

Why rickets affects children?

A deficiency in vitamin D, responsible for regulating the concentration of calcium and phosphates in the blood, leads to reduction in bone mineral density. In childrens bones, which are still growing, this leads to rickets. In some cases rickets can be caused by calcium deficiency.

What is the disease caused by lack of calcium?

Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. Calcium deficiency can lead to disorders like osteoporosis (brittle bones)

What food prevents rickets?

vitamin D along calcium and phosphorus prevent rickets.The sorces are fish, liver oil,eggs,milk and its products.Sunlight also contains vitamin D!

What diet supplement would help to prevent rickets?

Vitamin D supplements help prevent rickets if given along with breastfeeding for infants. If you are asking for an adult then there really is no way to prevent rickets because you would already have it. Rickets is considered a Vitamin D deficiency and most of the time develops in kids under the age of 5. Vitamin D would also be helpful for people who already have rickets by keeping the symptoms at bay.

How do you treat rickets in puppies?

my puppy just recently went to the vet and we found out he had rickets and the vet said it from lack of calcium so just the puppy milk and if go the chemist and get calcium tablets. hope this helped out your puppy.