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Anterograde Amnesia

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Q: The inability to form and store new long term memories is called?
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The inability to form and store new long-term memories is called?

anterograde amnesia.

Damage to the hippocampus can result in anterograde amnesia which is?

Inability to form new memories.

What is it called when you cannot form new memories?

That is a form of amnesia.

The famous case of the man known as H M illustrates the important role played by in the formation of new memories?

The famous case of H.M. shows that the hippocampus is crucial for the formation of new memories. H.M. had his hippocampus removed to alleviate severe seizures, which resulted in anterograde amnesia, the inability to form new long-term memories while retaining memories from before the surgery. This case highlighted the specific role of the hippocampus in converting short-term memories to long-term memories.

What is the possessive of the word memories?

The possessive form for the plural noun memories is memories'.

What is the medical term meaning inability to judge the form of an object by touch?

Astereognosis or somatosensory agnosia is the inability to judge the form of an object by touch.

The carbohydrate that plants use to store energy is called?

Plants store energy in the form of Glucose

What is it called when Animals Store their excess energy in this form they and can use this form of energy storing form later on if they dont have enough energy?

Animals Store their excess energy in the form of fat's.

What is the verb form of memory?

The irregular plural form of the noun memory is memories.

What is irregular form of memory?

The irregular plural form of the noun memory is memories.

How do memories form?

You could form memory by earasing some stuff you don't want?

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