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Based on Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics, the initial rate of reaction, vi, is dependent on maximum rate Vmax, substrate concentration [S], and the enzyme's Michaelis constant Km, which represents the the tendency of the substrate/enzyme complex to dissociate. The dependence on enzyme concentration is factored into the maximum rate. The equation to describe this is: vi = Vmax([S]/(Km+[S])) Follow the link below for details.

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Concentration of the enzyme and/or it's substrate.

Temperature of the surroundings.

The pH of the surroundings.

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Q: The initial rate of an enzyme catalysed reaction depend on?
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Describe the relationship between substrate concentration and the initial reaction rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction Is this a linear relationship What happens to the initial reaction rate as sub?

As the substrate concentration increases so does the reaction rate because there is more substrate for the enzyme react with.

What three enzyme catalysed chemical reactions that happen inside living organisms?

Almost all reaction in cells are enzymatic controlled, or I would rather not say controlled but 'driven' or 'made possible'. Enzymatic reaction are controled by e.g. temperature, pH, concentration, ions, activating and inactivating complexes, etc. but not by themselves as substance.

What happens to an enzyme after a biochemical reaction?

The enzyme is liberated free to repeat the action again. That is the beauty of enzymes.

Why would you expect the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction to increase proportionately to enzyme concentration given an unlimited supply of substrate?

Increasing enzyme concentration typically leads to more enzyme-substrate complexes, thereby increasing the rate of the reaction. In the presence of excess substrate, the reaction rate is limited by the enzyme concentration, resulting in a proportional increase in the rate of the reaction with increasing enzyme concentration. This relationship holds until all substrate molecules are bound to enzyme molecules, reaching saturation.

Explain the effects of pH on enzyme reaction rates?

A change in pH can denature an enzyme, meaning the reaction would stop.

Related questions

What is an enzymatic process?

An enzymatic process involves the use of proteins called enzymes to catalyze chemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes speed up reactions by lowering the activation energy required for the process to occur. This allows for the regulation and control of various cellular functions in organisms.

What are 3 factors that affect the speed of an enzyme catalyzed reaction?

3 factors that affect the speed of an enzyme catalysed reaction are: .Temperature .Enzyme Concentartion .Substrate concentration

Which graph what would be the same in an enzyme-catalysed or noncatalyzed reaction?

Delta G (d)

In an enzyme catalyzed reaction what is the reactant called?

The reactant in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is called the substrate. It is the molecule that binds to the enzyme's active site and is converted into products during the reaction.

What term describe reactants when they are associated with enzyme?


Describe the relationship between substrate concentration and the initial reaction rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction Is this a linear relationship What happens to the initial reaction rate as sub?

As the substrate concentration increases so does the reaction rate because there is more substrate for the enzyme react with.

What is the relationship between substrate concentration and enzyme activity?

At low substrate concentrations, the rate of enzyme activity is proportional to substrate concentration. The rate eventually reaches a maximum at high substrate concentrations as the active sites become saturated.

What will be the product when reaction between water and carbon will occur?

Carbonic acid. The reaction is: H2O + CO2 -----> H2CO3 ----> H+ + HCO3- The reaction is catalysed by an enzyme called carbonic anhydrase. After it has formed it separates (dissociates) into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydrogen carbonate ions (HCO3-).

How you can demonstrate that INT reduction is due to an enzyme catalysed process?

By heating the homogenate. proteins are innactivated by heat and enzyme activity is lost

Why above a certain temperature enzyme-catalysed reactions actually go more slowly if the temperature is raised?

because the enzyme is becoming denatured

What is the maximum initial reaction rate for this enzyme at pH7?

It's 350 - I'm n biology HNRS

What enzymatic reaction can be catalysed by enzymes which are not proteins?

An Enzyme must always be a protein. Any Enzyme is always categorized as the amine in the amino acid sequences that comprise it, and anything made of amino acids is automatically categorized as a protein. Therefore, not all proteins are enzymes, but all enzymes are proteins.