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No, it is provided by various insurance companies, but the government pays for most if not all of it.

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Q: The insurance that congress has is it a government run insurance?
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Can you get car insurance from the government?

No, there are no government-run insurance companies for auto insurance. Any auto insurance that you get will have to be through a private company.

What are the possible benefits of government run health insurance?

Government run insurance would mean that everybody would have insurance coverage. It would be affordable for the people who do not have the means to carry health insurance. It also would mean that no American can ever be turned away for medical treatment, because they do not have insurance.

Is congress the group that helps the president run the national government?

Yes, in a way. Congress makes the laws and essentially tells the president how to run the nation. The president is the CEO- his job is to carry out the will of Congress, although he can exert influence on Congress to get them to do what he wants.

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Copyright is a federal law; the Copyright Office is part of the Library of Congress, which is overseen by Congress.

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Congress could begin to reform the bureaucracy by allowing more members to vote and have an influence on how the government is run

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The proposal with the Public Health Insurance options was that the US government would create a health insurance agency to compete with other health care agencies. The health care agency would be run by the government.

Is government health insurance a good idea?

My opinion: I'm torn on this. Government is rather inefficient, but universal access is a laudable goal. If Congress can get a decent bill (not this one) going, I would be into it.

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There agendas are set by Congress

Why isn't congress part of the federal government?

Congress IS the federal government.