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Q: The invasion by the North Koreans in 1950 drove the Allied troops back to?
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Related questions

Where was the invasion of Allied invasion in 1944?

north Africa

Operation Torch was the Allied invasion of?

It was the British-American Invasion of North Africa.

What region did Allied troops take first after securing northern Africa?

In Europe, Sicily, a large Italian island.

How did the battles in the North Africa affect the allied cause?

The Allies defeated Axis forces in North Africa, which set up the successful Allied invasion of Italy.

Where did the allied troops attack after they reclaimed North Africa?


Code name for allied invasion of North Africa?

"Operation Torch" .

Who would likely enter the next Korean War?

Yes, the North Koreans are practicing right now in December 2010 and said that they are going to attack if they get to practice. If they attack the South, the US Army is going to get involved but if the South Koreans attack, which is somewhat unlikely, the Chinese is going to get involved. The North Koreans are allied with the Chinese and the South is allied with the US Army.

Invasion of north Africa by American troops?

Operation torch

How did battles in North Africa the allied cause?

The Allies defeated Axis forces in North Africa, which set up the successful Allied invasion of Italy.

Importance of invasion in Normady France?

Absolutely vital the USSR had turned the tide at Stalingrad and The Red Armies had begun their move toward Germany. The Italians had turned over to the Allies and Allied troops were moving north through Italy. A Beachhead had to be established in Normandy for an allied invasion. Germany was trapped in an ever tightening noose.

US response to the invasion of South Korea?

The US sent troops into Korea from Japanese military bases where US troops were stationed to help South Korea resist the North Korean invasion . The intervention of Chinese troops widened the war .

Was the allied invasion of North Africa given the code name d-day?

No. It was not.