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The involuntary muscles are primarily composed of smooth muscle and specialized striated muscle known as cardiac muscle. All skeletal muscle is under voluntary control. Hence, the involuntary muscles are under control of the autonomic nervous system, which can be further divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. The sympathetic division is readying the body into action, hence the "fight or flight" response associated with it, and the parasympathetic division associated with "rest and digest". :)

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Q: The involuntary muscles are controlled by what?
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What are the muscles called that cannot be controlled?

There are some muscles in the body we cannot control: they are called involuntary muscles and cardiac muscles. Involuntary muscles are found in the digestive tract for example. Cardiac muscles are found in the heart. Neither these two muscle types are controlled. We can control what are called voluntary muscles which are the muscles that were used to move our bones.

Which types of muscles are involuntary?

Of the three types of muscle, the two that are involuntary are cardiac muscle and smooth muscle.

What do invoulentary muscles do?

Involuntary muscles are controlled by the medulla which is present in the hindbrain part , the involuntary act involve the movement of food in our oesophagus.

The involuntary muscles of the arteries are controlled by the system?

nervous system

Which muscles can not be controlled?

Cardiac muscle and smooth muscle, these are involuntary.

Are smooth muscles voluntary or involuntary?

it is involuntary and is controlled by autonomic ground plexus.smooth muscle is found on wall of organs.

What are movements you don't have control over?

they are called involuntary movements.......controlled by involuntary heart beats...

What muscles move when you think about what you want them to do?

"all muscles are controlled by thought" Is incorrect, sorry. Voluntary muscles are controlled by thoughts, the ones we don't control by thought, ie, your heart, is involuntary. So the answer is voluntary. :)

What muscles control involuntary movement like breathing digestion etc?

Smooth muscles control involuntary movement. However, breathing can be controlled by both voluntary and involuntary muscles. A person can hold their breath if they want but otherwise they don't need to think about it as the brain sets the rhythm.

Are skeletal muscles voluntary muscles?

Yes, skeletal muscles are voluntary, meaning they can be intentionally controlled. This distinguishes them from the cardiac muscle (heart) and smooth muscles, which are involuntary.

How do voluntary and involuntary muscles compare?

Voluntary muscles are generally skeletal muscle, controlled by the somatic nervous system. These have the long, striped cylindrical tubular cells most people think of when they think of muscle tissue. Involuntary muscles are generally smooth muscles that are spindle-shaped, lack striations, and are controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

What controls involuntary muscles?

the answer is...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................idont know