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nervous system

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Q: The involuntary muscles of the arteries are controlled by the system?
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How do voluntary and involuntary muscles compare?

Voluntary muscles are generally skeletal muscle, controlled by the somatic nervous system. These have the long, striped cylindrical tubular cells most people think of when they think of muscle tissue. Involuntary muscles are generally smooth muscles that are spindle-shaped, lack striations, and are controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

What is the involutary muscle?

Cardiac muscle (heart muscle): a type of striated muscle exclusively in the heart, can be called an involuntary muscle, although it may be classified separately due to its structural differences. It is controlled by nerve impulses produced by a natural pacemaker called the sinoatrial node, the rate of which is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Smooth muscles, a type of non-striated muscle, include the radially arranged iris muscles, the digestive system, reproductive system, major blood vessels, the skin, and internal organs. These are also controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Involuntary muscles are muscles controlled only by the central nervous system, and (in some cases) by hormones. These cannot be controlled consciously. The pupils of the eye are an example of this as they contract quickly when the eye is exposed to bright light

What muscles make up walls of most internal organs?

Much of our internal organs is made up of smooth muscles. Smooth muscles make up the walls of many organs; eg bladder, gallbladder, arteries, and veins, digestive tract and oesophagus. The smooth muscles are controlled by hormones and the nervous system. Smooth muscles are often called involuntary muscles because we cannot control there movement.

What controls involuntary muscles?

the answer is...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................idont know

What are the Involuntary actions are controlled by the?

Involuntary actions of the body are controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

What are the involuntary muscles of the digestive system?

smooth muscles

Why are the muscles of the heart and stomach are involuntary muscles?

Because they are controlled by the autonomic nervous system which is responsible for involuntary control of the heart and digestion (as well as breathing and such). If you had to voluntarily control your digestion or heart rhythm you wouldn't survive very long.

Are leg muscles voluntary or involuntary muscles?

All muscles of the peripheral skeleton are skeletal striated muscles, which are all under the somatic nervous system control which means that they're all voluntarily controlled . That being said, those muscles are obvously involved in reflexes that are involuntary and instantaneous movements .

What is a example of involuntary muscles?

One example of involuntary muscles would be in the digestive system, where muscles in the stomach churn food.

Compare and contrast voluntary and involuntary muscles?

Involuntary muscles are muscles that you can't control. Such as the internal muscles. Involuntary muscles are the muscles that work by themselves without you personally doing anything to work them. Voluntary muscles are the muscles that you're in control with. An example of voluntary muscles would be when you sit down, or when you turn a page in a book. Voluntary muscles are muscles that you can control easier by yourself than with lots of help from your other muscles like you would need for your involuntary muscles. In short, the differences between the two are the fact that involuntary muscles are controlled without your help, and voluntary muscles work with your help because they are easier to work.

What system controls involuntary muscles?


What are involuntary actions of the body are controlled by?

Involuntary actions of the body are controlled by the autonomic nervous system.