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fluoride ion

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Q: The ion formed by a fluorine atom is called a?
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What ion is commonly formed from fluorine?

The only possible ion of fluorine is: F-It's called a fluoride ion.

Chemical formula of a fluoride atom?

'Fluoride atom'. ???? The fluorine ATOM is 'F' The fluorine molecule is 'F2'. The Fluoride ION is 'F^-' NB When an atom becomes a charged species, it is no longer an atom , but an ION. The suffix '--ide' indicates it is an ion, not an atom. So 'Fluoride atom' is a nonsense. It is either 'Fluoride ion' or Fluorine atom'.

How could a fluorine atom change into a fluorine ion?

A fluorine atom changes into a fluoride ion by gaining one electron and developing a 1- charge.

what is the ion formed of fluorine?

Fluoride Ion

What is the Charge ion of fluorine?


What is formed by an oxygen atom and called an oxide ion?


Is fluoride ion an element?

The fluoride ion is the ion formed by the element fluorine

What ions are formed by oxygen and fluorine?

Oxygen forms the O2- oxide ion; fluorine the F- fluoride ion.

What is the difference between a Fluoride ion and a Fluorine atom?

The fluoride atom has 7 electrons in its outer shell (9 in total) but the ion of fluorine has any number of electrons in the outer shell. eg. F+ = the normal fluorine atom but with one less electron.

How many electrons are presents in Fluorine atom?

There are 9 electrons in the atom without a charge, . The Fluorine ion (F -), has 10 electrons.

What is the formula for the ionic compound formed by Barium ion and fluorine ion?


What is formed when an atom gains or loses an electron?

a charged particle which is called an ion