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iron oxide. the most common types are iron oxide (FeO), iron (II) oxide (Fe2O3), and iron(III) oxide (Fe3O4).

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Q: When steel wool rusts the iron in the steel wool combines with?
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Can steel wool rust?

Yes, steel wool can rust. Steel is a ferrous material, meaning it is mostly iron. Rust is iron oxide. Thus, if you keep steel wool wet, it will certainly rust. Adding an oxidizer will increase the rate of this process as well.

Why does steel wool turn blue after it's burned?

Iron wool gains mass when it is burnt because the oxygen in the fire oxidizes and rusts the iron. The additional oxygen molecules on the iron wool in the form of rust increases the mass of the wool.

Does steel wool have iron in it?

steel is made from a mixture of iron and carbon so yes, steel wool definitely has iron in it

Steel wool rusts if you use it and leave it on the edge of the sink what must steel wool be made of in order to see this reaction?

Any metal which can get oxidised in the presence of oxygen from the air and water.

What is the chemical name of steel wool?

Steel wool is made from an iron alloy, not a chemical compound with a formula.

Does Steel wool have iron 2 or iron 3 ions?

Steel wool is mainly steel and hence iron in the elemental state. However, some oxide will reside on the surface. This will be Iron III Oxide and some Iron II oxide. So traces of Iron II and Iron III ions will be present.

What is steel wool made out of?

Steel wool is also known as a wire wool. It is made from low-carbon steel, it should be as much as possible close to plain iron.

What to used to clean iron furniture?

Wire brush or steel wool.

What happens when you put steel wool in a jar?

Steel wool is not soluble in water, neither can it absorb water but can get wet so if you take the steel wool out of the water the wet (due to capillary action and surface tension) steel wool will weigh more than dry steel wool. Then the steel wool will rust (and the mass will increase because oxygen unites with iron to form the rust).

How would you make rusted iron shiny?

A wire brush or steel wool.

How long does it take for acid to rust metal?

It takes about 4-5 days. Iron rusts because it meets with oxygen ,It rusts faster in water than in acid because water has more oxygen. You can do the test: just put steel wool in a jar of water and in a jar of vinegar (be sure to label and close the lid) then observe the next day and again and again after that

Word equation for combustion of steel wool?