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Q: The largest amount of electricity in the US is produced by what?
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What percentage of us electric is produced by coal?

More than 70% of US electricity is produced from coal.

What percent of the US electricity is produced by coal energy?

Approximately 23% of electricity in the US is produced by coal energy.

What percent of electricity was produced by nuclear power plants?

In the US it is about 20% overall

What is the amount of electricity used in the US each year?


What percentage of electricity in the US is produced by solar power?

Virtually none is currently produced through this means. The current technology is such that this is probably the correct amount. Hope is that the technology may someday become good enough to be useful for real power needs.

The US exports its largest amount of products to which country?

== ==

What is the largest amount of Microsoft points that you can buy?

4000 points is the largest you can buy in the US.

How many electricity companies are there?

There are too many electricity companies to count in the United states alone. A search in the US produced links for over 200,000 electricity companies.

What is the amount of garbage us has produced in 2007?

alot motha....

What produces the largest amount of federal revenue in the US?

The tax on individuals' incomes regularly produces the largest amount of federal revenue.

What are the largest sources of greenhouse gas emission in the US?

Electricity 32%Transportation 30%

What is Mexico's energy level compared to the US?

Mexico is the 5th largest electricity producer in the world, with 239.12 TeraWatts/hour per year (TW/h/y) generated during 2009. The US is the second largest producer, with 413.2 TW/h/y generated during 2010.The largest producer in the world is China, with 696.09TW/h/y produced in 2010.