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Terence Powderly

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Q: The leader of the first union was .?
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Why was Vladimir Lenin the first leader of Russia?

Lenin was not the first leader of Russia. He was the first leader of the Soviet Union when it was organized under the Treaty of the Soviet Union in late 1923 early 1924. Lenin was physically incapacitated by his strokes by then so he was not a true leader of government; however he is counted as the first leader of the new Soviet Union.

Who was the first leader of the soveit union?

Vladimir Lenin was the first leader of the soveit union! he was in power from october 26, 1917 to January 21, 1924

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The final leader of the communist soviet union was Mikhail Gorbachev.

Who was the first communist leader of the soviet union?

Vladimir Lenin

Who was the first communist leader in Soviet Union?

Vladimir I. Lenin

Wo were the Union leaders of the first battle?

The first battle of the Civil War was the Battle of Fort Sumter. The leader for the Union was Robert Anderson and the leader for the Confederacy was P. G. T. Beauregard.

Who was the first leader of African union?

Robert E. Lee was the leader of the first union. Robert E. Lee was an American soldier who is most noted for his contribution in Civil War from 1862 to 1865.

What is a union leader?

a leader of a union

What labor leader that organized the first industrial union?

Eugene Debs

How do you unlock the union room on white or black?

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Was McClellan a confederate of a union leader?

McClellan was a leader of the Union Army.

Who was the first leader of great britain?

Queen Anne, under the Acts of Union in 1707.