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The Septum seperates the 2 sides of the heart.

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Q: The left side of the heart and the right side of the heart are separated by a thick wall of muscle known as the?
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Does the right or the left of the heart have the thicker muscle?

The left side of the heart has larger muscle.

What is the muscle that separates the left side and right side of the heart?

The muscle that separates the right and left side of the heart is called the interventricular septum and is just a continuation of the cardiac (Heart) muscle of the heart's walls.

What is in your heart?

The heart is composed of cardiac muscle, a special type of striated muscle. It contains valves lined with endocardium tissue. There are four chambers, two on the right and two on the left, where the entry chambers are the atria (right atrium, left atrium) previously known as auricles, and the pumping chambers are the ventricles.

What is the role of the muscle partition in the heart?

The septum divides the left and right sides of the heart.

What are the 4 main compartments of the heart?

The heart is composed of the Right Atrium and Right Ventricle (collectively known as the Right Heart) and the Left Atrium and Left Ventricle (colelctively known as the Left Heart).

What muscle is found in the right atrium?

The type of muscle that is found in the right atrium is mainly the pectinate muscles. This is one of the four chambers of the heart.

What are the valves found between the lower and upper chambers of the rights and left side of the heart?

On the right sie of the heart, there is a right atrium and right ventricle that are separated by the tricuspid valve or Atrioventricular valve. The left atrium and left ventricle are separated by the bicuspid or mitral valve.

Is Human heart is myogenic or neurogenic?

In the human heart, contraction is initiated by a special modified heart muscle known as sinoatrial node. It is located in the right atrium. The SA node has the inherent power of generating a wave of contraction and controlling the heart beat. Hence, it is known as the pacemaker. Since the heart beat is initiated by the SA node and the impulse of contraction originates in the heart itself, the human heart is termed myogenic. The hearts of vertebrates and molluscs are also myogenic.

What part of the heart is known as the workhorse of the heart?

Right atrium

How does humans heart beat?

A Human Heart Beats Beacuse Of Blood Flow To The Right And Left Atricle and Upper and Lower Chambers Of The Heart. A more detailed and scientific answer would be: The human heart, as with any animals' heart, beats due to the brain sending an electrical impulse down the vagal nerve and through a nerve that is known as the "Pacemaker." This electrical impulse causes the heart muscle to contract, thus pumping blood through the body. The muscle contractions are what is known collectively as a heartbeat.

How does a human heart beat?

A Human Heart Beats Beacuse Of Blood Flow To The Right And Left Atricle and Upper and Lower Chambers Of The Heart. A more detailed and scientific answer would be: The human heart, as with any animals' heart, beats due to the brain sending an electrical impulse down the vagal nerve and through a nerve that is known as the "Pacemaker." This electrical impulse causes the heart muscle to contract, thus pumping blood through the body. The muscle contractions are what is known collectively as a heartbeat.

The upper chambers of the heart are separated by the?

The interatrial septum separates the left atrium from the right atrium (the atria are the upper chambers of the heart).