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The series of lines in an emission spectrum caused by electrons falling from energy level 2 or higher (n=2 or more) back down to energy level 1 (n=1) is called the Lyman series. These emission lines are in the ultra-violet region of the spectrum.

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The Lyman series in the hydrogen spectrum corresponds to electron transitions from higher energy levels to the n=1 energy level. These transitions result in the emission of photons in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

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Q: The lines at the ultraviolet end of the hydrogen spectrum are known as the lyman series wich electron transitions within an atom are responsible for these lines?
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Determine the region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which the lines of the Lyman series are observed?

The lines of the Lyman series are observed in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. These lines correspond to transitions of an electron in a hydrogen atom from higher energy levels to the n=1 energy level.

What is the balmer spectrum?

The Balmer series is a set of spectral lines in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum of hydrogen. It consists of four lines in the visible light spectrum resulting from transitions in hydrogen's electron shell to the second energy level. The Balmer series is significant in understanding atomic structure and spectroscopy.

How do you explain the diagram that shows 4 energy levels of hydrogen - 1 at the bottom 4 at the top - the values are n4-0.85eV n3-1.51eV n2-3.4eV n1-13.6eV?

The diagram represents the energy levels of an electron in a hydrogen atom. The values indicate the energy required for the electron to move between the different levels. Electrons closer to the nucleus have lower energy levels, while those further away have higher energy levels. The values decrease as the electron transitions from higher to lower energy levels, with the transition from n=∞ to n=1 at 13.6 eV being the ionization energy of hydrogen.

What happens when an electron in a hydrogen atom moves from higher energy level to the lowest level?

When an electron in a hydrogen atom moves from a higher energy level to the lowest level, it emits a photon of energy equal to the difference in energy between the two levels. This photon is released as light, and the electron transitions to the ground state. This process is known as an electron transition or de-excitation.

What happens when a hydrogen atom changes from the excited state to the ground state?

When a hydrogen atom transitions from an excited state to the ground state, it releases energy in the form of a photon. The photon emitted corresponds to the difference in energy between the two states, typically in the form of visible light, ultraviolet, or infrared radiation. This process is known as spontaneous emission or photon emission.

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The particle with the lowest mass number is the electron, which has a mass number of 0. This is because electrons are considered to be fundamental particles and do not consist of smaller subatomic particles like protons and neutrons.

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Electron is not a type of chemical bond. Covalent, hydrogen, and ionic bonds are the three main types of chemical bonds commonly found in molecules and compounds.

Can hydrogen serve as the final electron acceptor of the electron transport chain?

No. Hydrogen's electronegativity is too weak. At 2.5 hydrogen does not have the electronegativity to pull electrons down the electron transport chain.