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The liquid that transports things in your body is the blood.

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Q: The liquid tissue of transport in the human body is the?
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What is the liquid tissue of transport in the human body?

food is absorbed into the small intestine and the transported around body in blood. heart pumps oxygenated blood and during this the lungs take in the oxygen out of the food.

What is a liquid tissue that transports dissolved and suspended material?

BLOOD. that is the only liquid tissue you will ever find in the human body. --thoughtfulobserver

Which tissue is responsible for transportation in a human body?

Blood - a fluid connective "tissue" - is the primary transport medium of substances, such as oxygen and nutrients, in the body.

What does boold mean?

Blood is a liquid circulatory connective tissue in animals which transport gasses and food materials to the different body parts

The liquid that is derived from the human blood plasma and is in direct contact with the cells of the body is known as?

tissue fluid or interstitial fluid

What is the fastest growing tissue in the human body?

Bone marrow is the fastest growing tissue in the human body.

How many tissue types are found in the human body?

The human body has 4 primary tissue types: epithelium, connective tissue, nervous tissue, and muscle.

An example of a tissue in the human body?

Muscle tissue

The only liquid tissue in your body is?


What is the only liquid tissue in the body?

Actually lymph is also a liquid tissue and part of the immune system.

How many tissues present in human body?

The human body has 4 primary tissue types: epithelium, connective tissue, nervous tissue, and muscle.

Which is the fastest growing tissue in the body?

Bone marrow is the fastest growing tissue in the human body.