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Q: The manor system provided peasants not only protection from invaders but also?
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What did the ecomienda system provide for new Spain?

The Encomienda system provided cheap labor source for Spain. It also provided more lands, more settlers, as well as military protection.

What is a Lord-Vassal System?

Also called the Feudal System, it established a hierarchy where the lord (or king) provided protection for his vassals (lesser lords and nobles) in return for their providing him with troops when he needed them. This hierarchy went from king all the way to peasants farming a lord's land. Eventually, it came to mean that the lord could ask for almost anything from a vassal and it would have to be given him.

What are the benefits of the feudal system?

The benefits of feudal system brought defense and protection to the community. The king gave land to the nobles and arch-bishops and abbots. In return the noble gave taxes, advice and military support. The arch-bishops and abbots gave advice and loyalty in return. The knights gave protection and support to the peasants (serfs) and in return the peasants gave free labour, taxes and loyalty.

Did the peasants get angry with the feudal system?

In a word, no - because the bourgeoisie were also members of the Third Estate and paid taxes. They and the peasants and the urban proletariat, all resented that the Clergy (First Estate) were exempt from nearly all taxes and the Nobility (second Estate) were exempt from a number of them - both the first two estates having also some powers to collect a certain amount of taxation for themselves.

What responsibilities did peasants have in the feudal system?

Peasants did not have many responsibilities in the feudal system. All they had to do was pay their tither, or 10% of their crops, to the church. Otherwise, they did not have many responsibilities. ----- Peasants who were yeoman farmers had their own holdings. They had to pay tax to their feudal lords or the king, and to be ready to serve in the army, usually as archers. Peasants who were freeman tenants had to pay rent, usually in the form of money, to their landlords. Those who were serfs had to pay rent, usually in the form of work, and had to work common fields with other serfs. They were obliged never to move away from the manors on which they lived, but in exchange for this got a place to live, jobs, and protection.

Related questions

What did the peasants do for the knights?

Peasants provided food, labor, and other forms of support to knights in exchange for protection and sometimes land. Knights were part of the feudal system, where they received land grants from the king in return for military service, and peasants worked the land in exchange for the knights' protection.

What is th edefintion of manoralism?

Manorialism refers to the economic and social system that was prevalent in medieval Europe where feudal lords controlled land and granted portions of it to peasants in exchange for labor and goods. The peasants worked the land and paid rents or provided services to the lord in return for protection and the use of land for farming. This system was a key feature of feudal society.

How did feudalism and manor system help Europeans survive Viking raids?

The vikings scared commoners, because they had no protection from them. There for, the peasants sot protection. That is were feudalism comes in. The lords agreed to give the peasants protection and land, for a small portion of the peasants crops every year;month;week;E.C.

What did the ecomienda system provide for new Spain?

The Encomienda system provided cheap labor source for Spain. It also provided more lands, more settlers, as well as military protection.

What is the system that peasants and knights worked for a lord in exchange for land and protection?

The king gave political system that gave nobles, peasants and serfs prtection. Because the king needs safety and he gave the nobles and peasants and serfs a home and shelter so he could have safety

Which effect did the mongol empire's occupation have on Russia?

APEX: the answer is- The Russian serf system arose as peasants fled to the protection of large landowners to avoid Mongol taxes.

Where does the word feudalism come from?

The word feudalism comes from the Latin word feodum or fuedum. In the feudalism system, land lords made a fair exchange with the peasants. The lords offered peasants food, a fortification,and protection, as they worked for them.

How did manorialism help both nobles and peasants?

The nobles told the peasants what to do, gained all the income off their work, and taxed them for everything.

What is a feudal government?

Feudal government was an unfair system used in ancient timesFeudalism involves a hierarchy consisting of a king, nobles, and peasants. The king grants land to the nobles and the nobles have peasants work the land. The peasants are provided shelter, food, and protection in exchange for increasing the wealth of the nobles.

What is a Lord-Vassal System?

Also called the Feudal System, it established a hierarchy where the lord (or king) provided protection for his vassals (lesser lords and nobles) in return for their providing him with troops when he needed them. This hierarchy went from king all the way to peasants farming a lord's land. Eventually, it came to mean that the lord could ask for almost anything from a vassal and it would have to be given him.

What is a Lord Vassal System?

Also called the Feudal System, it established a hierarchy where the lord (or king) provided protection for his vassals (lesser lords and nobles) in return for their providing him with troops when he needed them. This hierarchy went from king all the way to peasants farming a lord's land. Eventually, it came to mean that the lord could ask for almost anything from a vassal and it would have to be given him.

What was the social system did the Franks have?

The Franks had a feudal social system, where land was owned by lords and worked by peasants in exchange for protection. There was a hierarchy of nobility, clergy, and commoners, with the king at the top. This system was characterized by obligations and loyalty tied to land ownership.