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The measure of the intensity of a wave is referred to as its amplitude.

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Q: The measure of a waves intensity?
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The intensity of light waves is a measure of the energy that is carried by the waves. Light waves are electromagnetic waves.

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What is DBI in?

DBI refers to a decibil level, which is used to measure the power and intensity of sound waves.

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a spectroscope is used to measure light waves. It can measure lights intensity, wavelength, and it polarization.

How the term intensity decibel and amplitude are related?

They are all measueres of sound waves. Amplitude is the term for the maximum difference in pressures between the peaks and troughs of a sound wave. Intensity is a measure of the energy content of a wave, and is proportional to amplitude squared. The decibel is an anthropic (based on human senses) measure of sound intensity, proportional to the logarithm of intensity.

Intensity of the wave vs. the speed of the wave?

height is the intensity, the distance covered by a wave divided by the time it takes is the speed. (ie. short waves = low intensity, fat waves = slow waves)

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How is the size of tsunami's measured?

The size or intensity of tsunami's are measured by considering factors like height of waves, speed of waves etc.May attempts have been done to produce accurate and well-defined systems to measure intensities of Tsunami.Example of some of scales to measure intensity of Tsunami's are:-Sieberg-Ambraseys scaleML scale proposed by Murty & LoomisML scale proposed by Murty & Loomis by Abe

What gamma waves have?

Gamma waves have the shortest wavelength of any electromagnetic wave in the EM spectrum, the shortest wavelength means highest cyclic frequency, and highest intensity of any EM wave. (energy transferance by gamma waves is the strongest) *intensity is a measure of the height of the sine wave as opposed to to length, essentially more energy in a smaller crossectional area.

What decreases when the intensity of sound decreases?

The amplitude of the sound waves decreases as the intensity decreases.

What is intensity as it relates to sound waves?


Is a measure of a sound waves intensity?

Sound intensity or acoustic intensity (I) is defined as the sound power Pac per unit area A. The usual context is the noise measurement of sound intensity in the air at a listener's location as a sound energy quantity. Our eardrums and microphone diaphragms are moved by sound pressure deviations (p), which is a sound field quantity. So we measure the sound with a SPL meter (Sound Pressure Level).