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Mechanical weathering caused by grains of sand is called sand abrasion.

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Q: The mechanical weathering caused by grains of sand is called?
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Related questions

What is loose grains of rock material called?


What is disintegration of rocks called?

Weathering is the breaking up of rock into ever smaller particles. Sand grains is an example of the result of weathering.

What is an example of mechanical weathering by gravity?

A very think, cold, rusty metal pole up your @$$. :)

What are rounded grains?

Rounded grains are those that used to be a cubic block and due to chemical weathering the edged have weathered. This led to a rounded grains.

The chemical weathering of feldspar produces?

Clay minerals.

What are the two important causes of mechanical weathering?

Temperature changes make rocks expand and contract and it is one of the important cause of mechanical weathering. Water abrasion is the other important cause. Wind and moving water cause rocks to rub against each other and the rocks could well break into smaller pieces.

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It is known as weathering. Erosion is the carrying away to another location of the weathered grains of rock.

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Formation of soil?

Breaking down of rocks thousands of year ago is called formation of soil. This is called weathering rocks; they have a crack in them and when water gets into these cracks and remains there , it may freeze in cold weather and form ice. Ice exerts pressure, thus breaking the rock over thousand of years, repeated weathering breaks rock into small grains of sand.

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