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A constructive/divergent plate boundary

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Q: The mid atlantic ridge is an example of what?
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What is an example of mid-ocean ridge?

The Mid-Atlantic ridge.

What is a example of a ridge?

The Mid-Atlantic ridge.

What is an example of a divergent boundsary in the mid Atlantic?

the mid-ocean ridge

What is an example of divergant boundary?

Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of?

A spreading ridge, where two plates diverge.

What is an example of sea floor spreading?

Mid-atlantic ridge

What is the geologic name of the Mid-Atlantic ridge?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, or MAR.

What effect is the mid-Atlantic ridge having on Iceland?

the mid-atlantic ridge is in the process of creating iceland.

What is an mid - ocean ridge?

The Mid-Atlantic ridge.

New ocean floor is created at what part of an underwater mountain chain?

Mid-ocean ridge. An example, is the mid-atlantic ridge.

What is the global mid- ocean ridge?

Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

What is the name of the mid ocean ridge that runs the length of the Atlantic Ocean?

Mid-Atlantic Ridge