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according to moslow's heirarchy of needs, what is the primary human motive

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1mo ago

The most basic need in Maslow's hierarchy is physiological needs, such as air, water, food, shelter, and sex. These needs must be satisfied before an individual can move on to fulfilling higher-level needs like safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization.

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Q: The most basic or lowest-level need in Maslow's hierarchy of human motives includes the need for?
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The three types of motives are biological motives, social motives, and personal motives. Biological motives are driven by physiological needs such as hunger and thirst. Social motives are influenced by interpersonal interactions and relationships. Personal motives are driven by individual desires and goals.

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Motives are internal factors that drive a person to behave in a particular way. Some common types of motives include biological motives (such as hunger and thirst), social motives (such as the need for affiliation and achievement), and emotional motives (such as the desire for love and acceptance). These motives can interact and influence behavior in various ways.

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