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decreased factor VIII level

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Q: The most common cause of an abnormality in hemostasis?
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What is the most common cause of post op bleeding?

Poor hemostasis during surgery

The most common autosomal abnormality is seen is a person with?

Down syndrome

What is the most common chromosomal abnormality in humans?

Trisomy 21, Down's syndrome

What is the most common congenital abnormality?

Please get the Ultrasonography done after two weeks of missed period and in second trimester. Your doctor will take care of it. They can be seen in Ultrasonography and you need not worry about it. Think of best and you will get it.

What is the most common cause of anemia?

The most common cause of anemia is blood loss.

What most common cause of chemical weathering?

The most common cause of chemical weathering is oxygen

What is most common cause of chemical weathering?

The most common cause of chemical weathering is oxygen

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How do clans abnormality involve in heridity?

most of abnormality in a clans is due to the inheritance of mutated gene from parents , since in most clans individuals intermarried in the clans itself . therefore the mutated gene(responsible for the abnormality) remains in the progeny , thus clans abnormality is involved ion heredity

What is the most common cause of HIV?

the most common cause of HIVs sharing needles and threw sexual activities.

What is the most common cause of death from tornadoes?

The most common cause of death in a tornado is being hit by debris.

What is the most common cause of airway blockage?

The most common cause of airway blockage is when the nose gets blocked through a common colds