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heat transformatin

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Q: The movement of energy from warm to cool objects is?
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Why will heat not flow from an ice cube to a hot drink?

Heat is the flow of thermal energy from one object to another. Heat always moves from warm objects to cool objects, not cool objects to warm objects.

What is the direction of heat flow when a warm object and cool object touch?

from warm to cool, warmth is energy, coolness is the absence of energy.

Is movement of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object called heat transfer?

true because its warm to cool which means it changes temperature

What do you call the movement of thermal energy from a warm area to a cool area?

There are three ways thermal energy can be transferred: conduction, convection, and radiation.

Does thermal energy always travel from cooler to warmer objects?

Well the predictable pattern is when the warmer object always flows energy to the cooler until they both are the same temp

How do warm and cool colors give illusions of movement?

Warm colors appear larger than cool colors. So, by contrasting these two types it will give an illusion of movement.

The upward movement of warm air and the downward movement of cool air form?

The upward movement of warm air and the downward movement of cold air forms fluids.

What is the upward movement of warm air and the downward movement of cool air called?


The upward movement of warm air and the downward movement of cool air form what?


Which had more energy cool or warm air?

Warm air. the temp of air is the measure of kinetic energy the air has.

What is the difference between heat and warm?

Heat is energy. Warm is a subjective temperature not as hot as hot.The movement of energy.

What device transfers thermal energy from a cool area to a warm energy?

A refrigerator.