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Q: The name the amount of ground displacement in an earthquake is called?
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What is the amount of ground displacement in an earthquake?

It depends on the intensity of the earthquake and the type of slippage that caused it.

What are Cracks in the ground caused by earthquakes called?

cracks in the ground caused by earthquakesFaults. Cracks in the earths crust usually caused by earthquakes are called faults.No, their not! Faults are to do with tectonic plates, earthquake cracks are called earthquake cracks.

What happens along a fault beneath Earths surface when an earthquake occurs.?

If the fault is responsible for the earthquake, there will be movement (displacement) along the fault.

What does ocean earthquake mean?

An ocean earthquake, also known as a submarine earthquake, is an earthquake that occurs beneath the ocean floor. These earthquakes can generate tsunamis due to the displacement of large volumes of water, posing a threat to coastal areas. Detection and monitoring of these events are crucial for early warning systems to mitigate potential impacts.

What are the huge rips in the ground called after an earthquake?


What is called the shaking of the ground that proceeds an earthquake?


What is the shaking of the ground that precedes an earthquake called?


What is the sinking of ground caused by earthquake vibrations called?

Its called "Landslides"

A large crack in the ground is a?

A large crack in the ground is called a fault which is caused by and earthquake.

How does under water earthquake affect the ocean water?

It causes the ground at the ocean floor to shift, resulting in the displacement of water. The beginnings of a potential tsunami!

How is the strength of an earthquake measured?

You use a seismograph to measure the strength of an earthquake.

What was the maximum amount of ground movement during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake?

21 feet