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Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, Sudan

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Q: The names of 3 countries that have the Sahara desert within their boundaries?
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Related questions

Which desert is located within Morocco Algeria Libya and Egypt?

The Sahara is found in all the listed countries as well as a number of others.

How far from Cairo to the Sahara Desert?

Its about 5000km away

Which is the world's largest desert that is located within the boundaries of one country?

The Great Victoria Desert in Australia is entirely located within Australia. Australia also has the third largest desert entirely located within the boundaries of one country; The Simpson Desert. Other deserts: the Gobi, Sahara and Arabian have larger areas than the Great Victoria that are confined to one country. But Australia also holds the record for the largest portion of one desert within it's borders. Antarctica is entirely desert, and as the Australian Antarctic Territory is the largest slice of Antarctica, Australia has the largest portion of the Antarctic Desert.

Where is the Sahara Desert located within Africa?

The Sahara covers most of the northern third of the African continent.

What is true about Africa geography?

There is a great deal of diversity within African countries. -Natural resources vary widely across the continent.

What is the closest town to the Sahara desert?

The Sahara Desert covers a huge area - almost the top 1/3rd of the African continent. There are a number of villages, towns and even cities located within the desert, but in most cases along the periphery

What is the most famous desert of the world?

That would depend upon your point of view. However, the Sahara is probably the best known simply because of its size. Some would say it is the Mojave since that desert includes within its boundaries the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, as well as Death Valley.

What is a political line on a map?

A political line on a map is an indicator of governmental boundaries. It may show boundaries between countries as well as such boundaries within countries as for counties, provinces or states.

What is the biggest desert in Zimbabwe?

There are no deserts in Zimbabwe. A portion of the Kalahari Basin touches Zimbabwe, but none of the Kalahari Desert is within the country's boundaries.

What countries that lie within the boundaries of the Persian Empire?

From Libya to Central Asia.

What countries does not contain a portion of the upper Amazon Basin within its boundaries?


Are there any national parks or monuments in the Sahara desert?

Yes there actually are national parks in the Sahara desert. Since the desert covers all of Northern Africa, Some countries have created parks to get tourists to come. these parks are; Banc d'Arguin National Park in Mauritania, Djanet-National Park in Algeria, Sidi Touri National Park in Tunisia, Taghit National Park in Algeria and finally the Ain Khadra National Park in Egypt. The problem though these "parks" are not like the parks in North America, they are actually oasises located within the desert and these countries.