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Q: The natural events that most frequently result in the loss of lives and?
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The natural events that most frequently result in the loss of lives and property are?

floods volcanoes tornadoes landslides

The natural events that frequently result in the loss of lives and property are?


What are natural calamites?

Catastrophic events like earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, or mudslides are among the worst natural calamities costing thousands of lives every year. Such events also destroy property worth billions of dollars, make thousands of people homeless, and injure many more. They are the most dangerous natural calamites.

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no he lives in Quebec City no, he used to live in Statford, Ontario. He moved, and he now lives in Atlanta, Georgia, but frequently stays at his house in Stratford.

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Radiotracers generally have short half lives. Detection requires a number of decay events. Using material with a short half life means a smaller amount is required and that after the detection the amount of residual radiation is reduced.

What does 'it is written' mean to ordinary people?

The phrase "it is written" implies that something that has occurred in your life was meant to happen just as it did. It also implies that there is a "writer" of the events of our lives. A creator of the events of our lives, who allows paths to cross and events to happen. How we respond to these events, people and places determines how we fulfill our destinies or how we do not.

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Some of the major events that may occur in the lives of older people include witnessing marriages of their children or births of grandchildren. Other major events may include marking anniversaries.

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Define a natural habitat?

Natural Habitat ,well lets look at the word habitat ..habitat means a place where a living thing lives its shelter or home a natural habitat is where a living thing normally lives example fish its natural habitat will be the sea .