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Hi you live in nyc, you go to lab

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Q: The north star polaris can be used for navigation in earth's northern hemisphere?
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What does earths rotation cause surface in the northern hemisphere to do?

The longest season on the northern hemisphere is summer.

What causes winter in the northern hemisphere?

the earths sourthern hemisphere tilts to the sun

What are the three main winds?

northern hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, and earths rotation

Why is it summer in earths northern hemisphere at the same time it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere?


Why is it summer in earths northern hemisphere at the same time its winter in the southern hemisphere?


Where does most of the dry land lie in northern or southern hemisphere?

The northern hemisphere has much more land than the southern hemisphere.

What is each half of the of earths surface called?

To the north of the equator is the northern hemisphere, and to the south is the southern hemisphere.

Why can you see some stars all the time and not others?

It depends on where you are, if you are in the northern hemisphere (the same applies for the southen hemisphere) then due to he earth being on a tilt then stars rise and set behind the horizon all except the stars closest to Polaris (north star) because of where Polaris is in relation to the earths tilt, it happens to be above the north pole and always visible.

Why are seasons reversed in northern and southern hemisphere?

Because Earths axis is tilted.

How does the rotation of earth modifies ocean currents in the northern hemisphere?

because of the Earths rotation the ocean currents are not in straight lines. In the northern hemisphere they curve to the right

How does the rotation of earth modify ocean currents in the northern hemisphere?

because of the Earths rotation the ocean currents are not in straight lines. In the northern hemisphere they curve to the right

Why is it summer in northern hemisphere and winter in southern hemisphere?

It is like this because the Earths axis is tilted which effects the seasons in the hemispheres.