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No, the notochord and the nerve cord arise from different germ layers. The notochord is replaced by an ossified backbone, though there are still remnants between the vertebrae. The nerve cord, however, is protected by the ossified vertebral column.

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Q: The notochord of vertebrates is replaced by a nerve cord when the animal becomes an adult?
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Why would a scientist classify an animal a vertebrate?

A scientist classifies an animal as a vertebrate if it has a spinal cord, or notochord. Most vertebrates have a backbone, but the Phylum Cephalochordata do not have backbones but are still classified as vertebrates.

What kind of animal is vertebrates?

any animal with a spine or similar. the simplest being known as a notochord. it can also be said that any animal descendant from Haikouichthys is a vertebrate.

Is an animal with a backbone and gills but no notochord still a chordate?

No, an animal with a backbone and gills but no notochord would not be considered a chordate. Chordates are defined by the presence of a notochord at some stage of their development, along with a dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a post-anal tail.

What is the most ancient group of vertebrate's?

fish The vertebrates have a nebulous starting point. There are some chordates that have more of a notochord than a true vertebrate column. Some taxicologists are more comfortable saying that a Coelacanth has a notochord rather than a vertebrate column when clearly the vertebrate are present in this animal. So its is a matter of your own definition. One could say 'at a stretch' that the hagfish and lamprey are the most ancient vertebrates.

Are lancelets vertebrates?

Lanceletes are invertebrates, because they do not have any spine consisting of a chain of vertebra (vertebral column). They are however related to vartebrates being a mamber of the fylum (major animal group) chordates (chordata) of which also vertebrates (vertebrata) are a member. Instead of a vertebral column they have a rod at the same place made of robust connective tissue, a notochord. The spinal cord (nerve string) of this animal is not encased in this primitive spine, but lies posterior to it. This notochord later developed to a spine consisting of a chain of vertebra in the higher species. The early stages of the embryo of all vertebrates still have a notochord which during the fetal development gives rise to a real spinal column.

What is the most ancient gruop of vertebrates?

fish The vertebrates have a nebulous starting point. There are some chordates that have more of a notochord than a true vertebrate column. Some taxicologists are more comfortable saying that a Coelacanth has a notochord rather than a vertebrate column when clearly the vertebrate are present in this animal. So its is a matter of your own definition. One could say 'at a stretch' that the hagfish and lamprey are the most ancient vertebrates.

What are chordata and chordates?

chordata are a phylum of animals that have in common. a chordate is a animal with a notochord.

What are chordata chordates?

chordata are a phylum of animals that have in common. a chordate is a animal with a notochord.

What makes an invertebarte an invertebarte?

An animal that would be defined an invertebrate would be any animal lacking a backbone or a notochord.

What is vertebrate zoology?

Within the Animal Kingdom there are many phyla, or categories of animals. One such category is chordata. All chordates have, at some time in their development, a notochord. For some animals this notocord later develops into a spinal column Vertebrates are members of the subphylum vertebrata: chordates with backbones or spinal columns. Vertebrate zoology is the study of non-human vertebrates.

Are spider monkeys vertebrates?

Yes, they are vertebrates. A vertebrate is an animal with a skeletal structure.

Why are horses in the chordata phylum?

Horses belong to the chordata phylum because they have a dorsal nerve cord, a notochord, pharyngeal slits, and a post-anal tail during some stage of their development. These characteristics are defining features of chordates.