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Q: The oculomotor nerve controls most of the movement of what part of your body?
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What part of the brain controls eyeball movement?

I believe the abducens control eyeball movement. Source: Introduction to the Human Body by Gerard Tortora and Bryan Derrickson

What nerve governs most of the extrinsic eye muscle?

Trochlear Nerve innervates Superior Oblique(extrinsic eye muscle)Oculomotor Nerve innervates Inferior Oblique, Superior Rectus, Inferior Rectus, and Medial Rectus (which are all extrinsic eye muscles) along with Ciliary Body, and the Iris (which are both intrinsic eye muscles)Abducens Nerve innervates Lateral Rectus(extrinsic eye muscle)

Is the endocrine system controls the body through nerve impulses?

The nervous system controls the body through nerve impulses. The endocrine system controls the body through hormones.

What does a nerve in your body do?

It controls and coordinate the activities of the body.

Which cranial nerve controls both body balance and hearing?

I believe that the vestibulocochlear nerve controls balance and hearing.

What do the nerve and muscle cells do?

controls your body and your movements

Which cranial nerve controls hearing and body balance?

8th cranial nerve - vestibulocochlear

What body system senses pain and controls movement?

The nervous system senses pain and controls movement.

Body parts starting with the letter O?

I will list 5 words that are found in or related to the human body to get you started: * oculomotor nerve * oocyte/ovum * orbital bone * osteocyte * oxyhemoglobin

What controls movement of body parts?

the brain

Which body system controls the movement of the ribs in breathing?

The nervous system controls the movement of the ribs during breathing. The movement is performed by the musculoskeletal system.

What nerve that controls tear glands?

Facial nerve (CN VII) is responsible for the lacrimal gland which produces tears.