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1 in 5 billion.

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Q: The odds of being killed by debris in space?
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What are the odds of dying in a outer space?

If we only use statistics to answer this, there is currently no chance of dying in space since 528 people have been in space and none of them died while there. Now, chances of dying while trying to get INTO outer space is a whole different discussion.

Is the sun ends as same as the universe ends?

Most likely not, billions of other stars have been destroyed. The odds that our solar systems sun in the key to the universe being stable is very unlikely. So, the short answer is, "Probably Not".

What are odds of a full moon occurring on your birthday?

1 in 30

What are the odds of September 7 falling on Tuesday?

There are seven different week days; the probability of any specific date falling on any given week day (for a year chosen at random) are 1/7.The odds of September 7 falling on a Tuesday are exactly 14%.(In the Julian calendar, the odds are exactly 1/7.)

How does the sun sustains life?

The sun generates enormous amounts of heat which then travels to the earth, raising the temperature of the earth to that which can sustain life which is at an average of 15oC on the Earth's surface. The light generated by the sun provides energy for the reaction of photosynthesis without which sugars cannot be synthesized, and therefore food and consequently life cannot exist. The immense mass of the sun causes it to attract comets, giant meteoroids, larger asteroids etc which can be on a collision course with the earth, thereby reducing our chances of being wiped out like the dinosaurs (who were killed by odds one in a million of a meteoroid of that size crashing into the Earth) Hope this helps!

Related questions

What are the odds of being killed in a tornado?

the odds of being killed in a tornado are actually (approximately) one in two million. weird, huh?

What are the odds of being killed by a shark?

The odds, unbelievably, are 1,264 to 1

What if your odds being killed by a stingray?

Very very low.

Odds of being killed on cruise ship?

Slim to none!

How likely will someone be killed by an asteroid?

The odds of a person being killed by an asteroid are miniscule. Some calculate the odds of being hit at 1 in 250,000. This is a very small chance though slightly more likely than getting killed by lightening.

What are the odds of being killed working on a power line versus driving a car?

26164781964781263478364e7 in 2616638714673264782674678423

What are the odds on being killed while parachuting?

usually 1 in 100,000 skydivers die every year

Do odds of being in a fatal car crash increase if you drive a lot?

Yes. If you always drove a donkey cart on roads with other donkey carts, your odds of being killed in a donkey cart crash would increase.

What are the odds of you being pregnant?

The odds of me being pregnant are 0 as I am male.

What are the odds of of being killed by a dolphin?

the odds our 0% Actually, it's not zero. It's extremely low, but it's not zero. Over the last few years, a few people have been killed by dolphins. Dolphins don't normally attack humans...I think all the deaths were accidents.

Are you more likely to get hit by lightning than win the lottery?

The odds of being struck by lightning are 576,000 to 1.The odds of being killed by lightning are2,320,000 to 1.The odds of winning the UK lotto are 1 in 13,983,816 (approx 1 in 14million).So, you're more likely to get hit by lightning than win the lottery.

What are the odds of being killed in a car crash?

50/100. If your careful enough not to get hit by a car in the street lucky you. Depends if there are drunk drivers.