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Q: The only organisms that can convert nitrogen in the atmosphere into a form useful to living things are nitrogen-fixation?
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What is the need of nitrogen in atmosphere?

What does it mean to say the "need of nitrogen in the atmosphere"? Needed for who, for what? Nitrogen is in the atmosphere regardless of who needs it.Is the nitrogen gas used for something? Definitely. Certain organisms are able to convert nitrogen gas, N2, in the atmosphere into NH3, ammonia, which is used as a plant nutrient. This is generally called nitrogen fixation.

What releases nitrogen into the atmosphere?

Denitrification which is the process of nitrofen returning to the atmosphere which also involes denitrifying bacteria( convert nitrate back into nitrogen gas)

What organisms can change nitrogen gas into ammonia?

These enzymes are called nitrogenases.

How does Nitrogen from the Atmosphere the Abiotic part of the ecosystem Converted in to the biotic part of the ecosystem In Organisms?

By lightening and by nitrogen fixing bacteria in the roots of certain plants (eg the legumes).

What role does the denitrification play in the nitrogen?

When organisms die, decomposers return nitrogen to the soil as ammonia. The ammonia may be taken up again by producers. Other soil bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen gas in a process called denitrifrication. this process releases nitrogen into the atmosphere once again.

Bacteria are the only organisms that can?

Bacteria are the only organisms that can convert nitrogen into a usable form. Diazotroph or nitrogen-fixing bacteria are types of bacteria that perform this ability.

What organisms convert nitrogen into a form that is by humans?

Bacteria Ammonia, nitrates, nitrites

Which organisms convert nitrogen into a form that is usable by humans?

Bacteria =========================== Specifically a particular type of bacteria that live in nodules on the roots of certain plants (eg the Legume family) called "Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria" . Not other bacteria decompose organic material and release nitrogen back into the atmosphere.

What is the role of decomposes in the nitrogen cycle?

Decomposers have a very important role in the nitrogen cycle. They convert nitrogen found in other organisms into ammonia so it can be returned to the soil. Some use a process called denitrification to return nitrogen directly to the atmosphere.

What organisms convert nitrogen into a form that is usable by humans?

Bacteria Ammonia, nitrates, nitrites

What are organisms that convert nitrogen containing organic molecules into nitrates?

A few plants, especially, legumes (or pulses: pod bearers), of which there is a wide variety; are able to convert nitrogen gas (N2) from the atmosphere to produce Ammonia NH3, a fertilizer. They do this with the symbiotic help of a bacteria (Rhizobium).Lichens, Blue-green algae, and some soil bacteriaalso produce and contribute ammonia to natural ecosystems.Other organisms, chemoautotrophic bacteria, Nitrosomonas, and Nitrobac­ter, convert ammonia to compounds of nitrous oxides culminating in mineral Nitrates (compounds of the form (M)NO3), fertilizers. Examples are Sodium Nitrate (NaNO3) and Potassium Nitrate (KNO3).

What are living things that need nitrogen to make complex nitrogen compounds called?

Living things that need nitrogen to make complex nitrogen compounds are called nitrogen-fixing organisms. These organisms have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2) into usable forms such as ammonia or nitrates, which can be incorporated into various biological molecules. Examples of nitrogen-fixing organisms include certain bacteria and some plants, such as legumes.