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Q: The origins of human existence in the Americas began?
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The oldest human remains in the Americas have been found?

North America discovered in Colorado

Twentieth-century leaders began to push for universal human rights protection as a result of?

Answer this question… the horrific treatment of Jewish people during World War II

What does cultural survival mean?

What does psychological and cultural survival mean ? It means to keep on existing in the psychological or cultural realm. Survival is mainly a relationship between existence, and time and space. When we talk about psychological survival, we talk about the perpetuation of the existence of everything that belongs to the psychological realm...the representation that we build, meaning the inventory of all the characteristics that we recognize within us, the whole of conditioned reflexes, what exists in our own history, conscious or not, memorized or other words, what defines our "individuality". Psychological survival becomes the perpetuation in time and space of the existence of a certain individuality. Cultural survival, is in many ways the "opposite" of psychological survival, but it is in many ways formed and transformed by the psychological realm...since the culture is made by and for individuals. Often, we talk about cultures through the studies of rites or more precisely, customs. Cultural survival then becomes the perpetuation in time and space of the existence of certain customs.

The Columbian Exchange was named after?

The Columbian Exchange also known as the Grand Exchange was a dramatically widespread exchange of animals, plants, culture, human populations (including slaves),communicable disease, and ideas between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres following the voyage to the Americas by Christopher Columbus in 1492. The term was coined in 1972 by Alfred W. CrosbyWikipedia

The Declaration of American Rights was written at the meeting of the what?

The American Declaration of the Rights & Duties of Man was adopted at the Ninth International Conference of American States in Bogota, Columbia in April of 1948. The meeting was the same meeting that adopted the Charter of the Organization of American States, which created the OAS. This document was the world's first international human rights instrument of a general nature, and it was adopted by the nations of the Americas.

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How did the origins of human existence in north america began?

with migrations from eurasia over bering strait

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Human habitation of the Americas began approximately 30,000 years ago

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Leadership began to exist as soon as there were two human beings on earth, living together.

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The book of Genesis explains the origins of the human race.

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In the End of Human Existence was created in 2008-06.

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The origins of Western philosophy can be traced back to ancient Greece, specifically to the works of philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These thinkers posed fundamental questions about the nature of reality, knowledge, ethics, and human existence, laying the groundwork for philosophical inquiry that continues to this day. Over time, Western philosophy evolved and incorporated influences from various cultures, leading to the diverse range of philosophical traditions we see today.

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Why do we have to protect the ozone layer?

We have to protect the ozone layer to allow human existence. This existence of ozone is the reason behind human survival.

How does human existence relate to geologic time?

Human existence has been very brief compared to the entire expanse of geologic time.

What is the meaning of human existence?

If you see existence as only what you can see it is simply to make more humans. RB understanding of human existing?

What is an anthropogeny?

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The leading practitioners of human sacrifice in Americas?

The Aztecs