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Q: The outerside of your right leg is numb all the time what causes this?
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How do you numb your penis?

If you put ice on it for a certain amount of time then your penis will turn numb.

What would cause arms to go numb and hurt?

Usually if you sit on them or you have them in unusaul positions for too long, you may get pins & needles and that causes your legs to go numb!

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not sleep in right time

What causes fingertips and legs to be numb?

Your thumbs go numb because blood is having trouble circulating to your extremities.

I have a bruise on leg right under my knee to the middle of my shin from softball and it is numb in the middle of it and has been for 4 days now will it just take time to heal?

yes, just give it time.

Why do my legs get numb and not able to stand?

If you are finding that your legs get so numb that you are unable to stand, you should see a doctor. It is normal to get numb legs from sitting for long periods of time but you should be able to stand up.

You hit your finger with a hammer and finger goes numb why is it numb- at least for short period of time?

Probably due to damage of the nerve cells in your finger.

Why is your leg numb and cold?

my leg is not numb and cold. however, if your leg is numb and cold, it could be for any number of reasons. lack of circulation could be a cause. if it continues for an extended amount of time, i would recommend seeing a doctor.

What does it mean if your pinky and index finger are numb on one hand and have been numb for over a night?

Most likely, you've pinched a nerve. It's also possible that you've slept with your arm under you and bent at the elbow, compressing the nerve that leads to those two fingers. I, myself, suffer this quite often, but that's because I have a severed nerve in my left hand that causes those two fingers to remain numb for the rest of my life. It causes some havok from time to time as well. A couple days ago, I burned those two fingers on a hot pan that had just come out of the oven, and didn't realize that the burns were 2nd degree burns until I looked at them.

Is it normal to have parts of your head feel numb after hitting your head really bad?

Right after hitting your head, yes. But it should only feel like that for a small amount of time. If it continues, GET TO A DOCTOR

Can gaining weight make your limbs numb all the time?

Gaining weight by itself will not make your limbs numb. Gaining weight could, among other possibilities, cause circulation problems that cause your limbs to go numb. It is not normal, and you should probably see a doctor.

Can a side labret cause lip numbness?

For a short time after it's pierced, it might feel numb or tingly. It's not normal if you've had it pierced for quite awhile and it's still numb.