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Visible light rays

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Q: The part of the spectrum that can be separated into rainbow-like colors is?
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Related questions

Does the invisible spectrum contain all colors of the rainbow?

If there were colors, that part of the spectrum would not be invisible.

What is part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

One example is the visible spectrum : all the colors that you can see.

What does the spectrum in the electromagnetic spectrum do?

I suppose you mean the visible spectrum, only a small part of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The visible spectrum is basically all of the colors the human eye can detect.

Why do graphs help explain why humans cannot see colors that fall in the ultraviolet or infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Because we can't see the colors on the spectrum so we have to use a graphto show the colors.

What determines the colors of the planets?

The colors you see are actually the part of the visible spectrum that the object does not absorb. For example, plants appear green because they absorb every color except for green, therefore the visible light that reflects from the surface of a plant only retains the green part of the spectrum.

Sentence for the word electromagnetic spectrum?

White light, which can split in to the colours is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are, cosmic rays, X-rays, UV light, infra red(IR) waves, micro waves, and radio waves. m ic ray of the spectrum

What is color spectrum and how is it obtained?

The color spectrum is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The color spectrum, often referred to as 'visible light' is only part of it. It is called visible light because it is the only spectrum that we can see with our eyes (we can't see x-rays, radiowaves, etc). The colors within it come in the order of ROYGBIV : Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.

What color does an object appear to be if it absorbs all the colors of light?

If an object absorbs all the colors of light, it will appear to be black. It is the reflected part of the spectrum that gives an object its color.

The name for what happens when you split light into the differenet colors of the spectrum?

That is called refraction. I like to remember it by the fraction part of the word, as the light is being split into different colors, each a fraction of the whole.

Why does a prism cause white light to seperate into the colors of the spectrum?

Light bends in glass dependent on its thickness. Blue comes from the thin part and red from the thick part of a prism.

Why does a prism cause white light to separate into colors of spectrum's?

Light bends in glass dependent on its thickness. Violet comes from the thin part and red from the thick part of a prism.

Why does a prism cause white light to separate into colors of a spectrum?

Light bends in glass dependent on its thickness. Violet comes from the thin part and red from the thick part of a prism.