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Q: The people rule and hold sovereign power in which type of government?
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The people rule and hold sovereign power in a .?

democracy The type of government system that the people rule and hold sovereign power is a republic.

Does the term republic mean a government without a monarchy?

A republic is a government in which voters hold sovereign power. Elected representatives are responsible to the people that hold sovereign power and elect officials to run the day-to-day affairs of government.

In the US all government power belongs to who?

Popular sovereignty holds that the people make the laws, using elected representatives who are subject to recall and election. Additionally, people give consent for the government to operate and may withdraw that consent if they wish. Thus, people in the US hold the reigns for all government power.

What does not describe the process of communism?

the people rule and hold sovereign power

In e form of government do the people hold the sovereignty and determine public policy?

The sovereign is the body or person whom holds the greatest power, in the UK Parliament has sovereignty therefor the party in power as they hold the majority

What is a system in which voters hold sovereign power?


How do people use their power in pluralist theory?

A large number of people hold power.

What form of government only a few people rule?

An oligarchy is a form of government in which few people hold power.

What is the government where the power is held by people and exercised through elected representative called?

soverignty is located with the people who hold the power

What kind of government has a few people hold all the power?

All of em!

A government in which few people have power is called what?

An oligarchy is "a government in which power is in the hands of a few."

do the American people have power in our federal government?

Yes. The American people decide who is allowed to hold what position in the federal government during elections.