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Q: The pharaoh that added five extra days to the Egyptian calendar?
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Did the Sumerian culture create the 365 day calendar?

basically. it was a little different though. instead of a leap year every four years, they added an extra month every 4 years

Who is the god of king akhenaten?

Not a what a who - he was a King of Egipt before Moses and he turned the religon into monotheism he made the people only worship Aton. The people hated him for this and they were happy when he no longer ruled.

What was the primary role of the pharaoh?

Pharaoh means, "Great House." In ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh had many roles in his kingdom. He watched over the law courts and was the chief of the temples. He was an army leader and controlled trade expeditions. He supervised the water system and stored the grain. Ancient Egyptians believed that each living pharaoh was a living god. They believed that each pharaoh was the human form of Horus. The pharaohs where very important to Egypt because they pleased their gods so good fortune would come to Egypt. The pharaohs believed that everyone should be treated with justice. The pharaohs were transported from place to place on a chair carried by servants. There were many items which stood for kingship. For example crowns, which were headresses with jewels, stood for "Supreme Rank." False beards, which were worn by kings and queens, symbolized royal authority. The sceptor also meant royal authority and was carried by kings and queens. The pharaohs had a daily schedule. The day went like this: first, the pharaoh would go to the temple to please and pray to their god. Next, the pharaoh would hear his daily news from his trusted vizior. Then, the pharaoh would check the architectures which were built by his servants and officials. Finally, if the pharaoh had extra leisure time, he would be entertained by his servants, or he would have a conversation with his wife.

Why did the ancient Egyptians develop a calendar?

Because a year does not consist of 365 days. No. It consists of 365 and a quarter days. As it would be stupid to reset your clocks 6 hours into the 1st January and then suddenly be all like 'It's the 2nd January!', they decided that every four years there would be a whole extra day. Hence, leap years.

When was the calendar invented?

AnswerThe Roman dates of the Julian calendar are taken from Greeks. Not all Greeks had the same calendar of an empire. Greek December 25 (means 10th month) goes back to 778bc when for 4 years it had been Egyptian Payni 25 (10th month). This doesnt mean the whole calendar existed, but rather the holiday was called 10th month 25th day. This is also evident that a smaller population of Greeks began this in 1498bc when our Julian Dec 25 was Kayak 25 (4th month that had traditions of being the 10th month, flipped in 1514bc but denied by the New Kingdom). Halloween also is such a date which Greeks of 1498bc regarded as the new year of 2021bc (Nov 1) and 1894bc (Nov 2). To do this they had to regard the Egyptian 365-day calendar as leaping dates forward every 4 years. Example (i.e.), 1894bc Nov 1 =Epipi 27, Nov 2 =Epipi 28 and eight years later (two leap days) the holy day Hallow Eve is Nov 1 =Epipi 29, Nov 2 =Epipi 30. This is how Christmas was too. The year 1498bc did not fix it for all Greeks, but 778bc did. In that year, Nov 1 and 2 and Dec 24 and 25 became fixed, known as leaping forward in Egyptian dates but referred to as November and December .AnswerThe first step in the formation of the modern calendar was made in the year 46 BC, (when after Julius Caesar conquered Egypt, FALSE-Rome conquered Egypt in 30bc), (he adopted the solar calendar of Alexandria, which consisted of 365 and a quarter days per year, FALSE-Augustus Octavian Caesar CREATED the Alexandrian calendar of leap days in 27bc, he did not ADOPT it, this is why it is fixed to new year Aug 29 and 30, our G.Sep 11).There was an argument for sometime over whether to have a leap year every three or four years. However, the senate decided to have a leap year every four years, and the "Julian Calendar," the predecessor of the calendar we know today was born. (FALSE- discrepencies are always excused, explained-away, and cast-aside by know-it-all scholars as "must have been disputes" of our former ignorant parental nations. There is no proof that the whole empire placed the leap day in the same year spuratically confused whether to do it 3 years or 4 years. This is like saying some USA states dont have daylight savings time because for 200 years the whole USA was all confused when hours should be advanced or not, and that some years we had it, and other years we didnt. 365 natural leap days of the leaping sphere of stars in 1460 years was known in 1314bc and 1310bc and 1290bc. It was also known in 1514bc which is why the Bible Genesis says they added (flipped) 180 leap days for their past 720 years. In fact what they call a Mayan discovery of 180 solar leap days in 744 years (360 in 1488 years; and 365 in 1507 years comes from Babylon 1626bc looking back at 2370bc). Scholars need to quit labeling Greece and Rome as ancient history, when real ancient is 2200-2000bc Egypt and Assyria and Babel and Ur.)However, the quarter day at the end of each year was not even, meaning that there was just around 10 minutes short of a quarter day each year. After 131 years, there would be an extra day not from a leap year, which meant that, for example, March would start to be in the summer very slowly. Around the sixteenth century, the catholic church was very unsettled from this state of affairs because Easter was almost in the summer. So, Pope Paul III decide to recruit new astronomers to make a new calendar to keep the days the same (except on leap years), including Christopher Clavius. He died shortly after, so his predecessor, Pope Gregory XIII, saw various proposals for a repaired calendar system. He chose Clavius proposal, and the Gregorian calendar, the one we know today, was born on Thursday October 4, 1582. The new repairs to the calendar introduced were:-10 days were to going to be skipped, so, the next day, Friday, October 5, 1582 would become Friday, October 15, 1582.-In the Julian calendar there was a leap year if the year could be divided by the number 4. In the Gregorian Calendar a years is a leap year if (1) it can be divided by 4 but not 100 or (2) It can be divided by 400.-New rules for the date of Easter were made.-The extra day on leap year was moved to the day after February 28th.After this, all the catholic countries at the time adopted the calendar. The rest of the countries in Europe, adopted the new calendar sometime between the 16th and 18th centuries. By the time Britain adopted the calendar, it required another correction of skipping eleven days. Britain adopted the modern calendar in 1752. Because all countries in Europe used the Gregorian Calender, (the modern calendar) all colonies of European countries in Asia, Africa, and South and North America used the Gregorian calendar as well. Because of this America, a previous colony of England, uses the modern calendar, the Gregorian calendar, to this day.AnswerNo specific date or period has been determined for the invention of the calendar, since it is believed that humans around the world have used different means to mark the cycles of nature throughout time. For instance, the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese, and Mayans all had various calendar systems based on natural observations of the Moon's cycles and seasonal changes. The Egyptians were the first to work out a formula for the solar year (based on the position of the Sun), which differs slightly from the lunar year (based on the phases of the Moon). This formula was eventually adopted by the Romans and was the forerunner to the modern calendar.AnswerCalenders were made in 307AD

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What were the five extra days added for to the Egyptian calendar?

In an Egyptian legend, the sun god, Ra, didn't let another female god give birth to five sons so the female god added five extra days to the end of the year. These days are known as the demon days.

What were the extra five days added to the Egyptian calendar for?

In an Egyptian legend, the sun god, Ra, didn't let another female god give birth to five sons so the female god added five extra days to the end of the year. These days are known as the demon days.

The five extra days added to the Egyptian calendar were for what?

In an Egyptian legend, the sun god, Ra, didn't let another female god give birth to five sons so the female god added five extra days to the end of the year. These days are known as the demon days.

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Thoth was the great creator of the original Egyptian calendar,He was an ancient Egyptian god of writing,scribes and wisdom.There was a total of 30 days in the Egyptian calendar,But 5 days were added on by Thoth.Thank you for reading and this is true information.

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Why did the Egyptian god thoth need the extra five days in the Egyptian calendar?

So that Nut's children by Geb could be born, they being Horus the Elder, Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys.

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A calendar is a list of days of the year. There are 365 days in a normal year so a normal calendar has 365 days. In a leap year, which occurs every 4 years, there is an extra day added so there are 366 days. That extra day would fall on the 28th of February

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