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1d ago

The place on a tree branch where a leaf has fallen from is called a leaf scar. This mark is left behind when the leaf detaches and falls from the tree branch, and it can vary in size and shape depending on the type of tree.

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Q: The place on a tree branch where a leaf has fallen from is called a?
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The place on a tree branch where a leaf has fallen from is called?

leaf scar

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Which tree leaf is called peace leaf?

Because its leaves represent peace olive branch is the peace leaf

When was First Leaf Fallen created?

First Leaf Fallen was created in 2004-07.

The place where a leaf is connected to the stem is called?

The place where a leaf is connected to the stem is called the node.

What is a compound leaf?

A compound leaf is a leaf structure where the leaf blade is divided into multiple leaflets attached to a single leaf stem, called a rachis. Each leaflet may resemble a small, individual leaf but is part of a larger compound leaf structure.

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The flag of Canada has a maple leaf and make the place called Canada.

What are some examples of alternate leaves?

An alternate leaf is a leaf pattern in which there is a leaf on one side of a branch and there is another leaf on the opposite side of the branch except farther down.

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What helps the leaves fall of the trees?

a process called abscission helps in leaf fall. in this process the cells at the stalk end, from where leaf is attached to the branch of tree, start to die resulting in abscission(death ) of leaf

What is the function of the petiole?

holds the leaf in connects to the plantpetiole is the thin green sructure that connects the main stem to a leaf.its also called MESOPODIUM.its main function is to direct the leaf from the branch so that it could get sufficient sunlight to perform photosynthesis