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This area is called the fault line.

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Q: The place where earth's slipping motion begins is called an earthquake's what?
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When tectonic plates move and slip what are they called in earths crush?

They are called earthquakes.

Who Studies Earthquakes and earths crusts Movements called?

A geologist studies the earth.

What often happens along large cracks called faults at the edge of the Earths plates?


I want an information on earthquakes?

earthquakes are movements on the earths surface

What is most of earths major earthquakes caused by?

Earths Major Earthquakes are caused by faulting of rock in earth's crust.Hope this helps

What can earthquakes do to the earths surface?

Shake it

Which scientists study earthquakes and the earths core?

Seismologists are based on the study of earthquakes while Geologists study the earths core and quakes.

The point on earths surface right above the spot where the first movement of an earthquake occurs is called earthquakes?


What occurs when earths crust shift?

When the Earth's crust shifts, it can result in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the formation of mountains or valleys. These movements are usually caused by the tectonic plates beneath the Earth's surface shifting and impacting one another.

What are the different types of earthquakes?

I think there are three types of earthquakes one is the earths crust

What are strong shaking movement of the Earths curst called?

These are called earthquakes, they are caused by two huge rock plates in the earth which crash into each other.

Earhtquakes most commonly occur at what distance below earth's surface in miles?

Earthquakes can occur at varying depths, but they most commonly occur in the uppermost 15 miles (24 kilometers) of the Earth's surface. This is where tectonic plates interact and stress builds up, leading to seismic activity.