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In the alveoli whichvare at the end of the brochioles in the lungs.

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Q: The place where oxygen enters the blood?
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Does the blood flow clockwise or counterclockwise?

the oxygen-rich blood coming from the lungs enters the left atrium moves in anticlockwise to be distributed in the body

What is the pathway of oxygen through your body?

The oxygen enters the body via the nose and mouth then travels down the trachea ( wind pipe ) then breaks into two bronchi (the bronchi splits the air into each lung) which then branches into lots of bronchioles which end in lots of alvioli.

What transports oxygen and carbon dioxide across the capillary membrane?

Concentration gradient moves oxygen and carbon dioxide across the alveolar membrane. Blood that enters the alveolus has a higher concentration of carbon dioxide compared to the air in our lungs; so the carbon dioxide literally falls out of the blood and into the air. Blood that enters the alveolus has a lower concentration of oxygen than the air in our lungs, so the oxygen falls into solution with our blood and is carried back to the heart for distribution to our bodies. This process is passive, meaning that no energy is required for the gasses to move. They are merely seeking to equalize their own concentrations across a semi-permeable membrane. This passive diffusion drives many processes in our bodies.

From where does the blood get oxygen?

The blood gets oxygen from the air around us which is made of oxygen. When we breath in, the oxygen is taken into our lungs and then into our blood.

Does oxygen go in body?

Generally, the air contains about 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen and 1% a mixture of several gas. When we take a breath, the air go into the lung, down the trachea, then go into smaller broncial tubules, finally, the air go into a microscopic air sac called an alveolus. It is here that the exchange of oxygen and CO2 between the air and the blood takes place. Blood enters the lungs via the pulomanory arteries. It then proceeds through arterioles and into the alveolar capillaries. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. The red blood cell is the main carrier of oxygen in the artery. The blood flow to the organs or tissues, in similar manner, oxygen and CO2 exchange in the capillary beds, and the blood carries CO2 back to lung. And a new cycle begins.

Related questions

Where is the place oxygen enters the blood?

Oxygen enters the blood in the alveoli of the lungs

What is the place where oxygen enters the blood?

the lungs

Where is the place where oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood?

Oxygen is entered through the mouth and carbon dioxide is released out of the mouth.

Is the blood rich in oxygen or poor in oxygen when it enters the left ventricle?

Blood entering the left ventricle is rich in oxygen. In contrast, oxygen-poor blood enters the right ventricle.

What is the site where oxygen enters the pulmonary blood?

Oxygen enters the blood in the alveoli of the lungs

What is the site at which oxygen enters the pulmonary blood?

Oxygen enters the pulmonary blood in the capillaries of the alveoli -- the air sacs of the lungs.

The function of lungs?

It is part of the reproductive system. it is the opening to the birth canal

Oxygen-poor blood enters the heart through what atrium?

Oxygen-poor blood enters the heart through the right atrium

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blood oxygen

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What enters the blood when its pumped to lungs?


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