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east to west

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Q: The polar jet stream moves from?
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What accompanies a cold spell in Minnesota?

Minnesota receives arctic air when the polar jet stream moves south across Canada.

What usually accompanies a cold spell in Minnesota?

During a cold spell in Minnesota, you can expect temperatures to drop well below freezing, often reaching negative double digits. This extreme cold is typically accompanied by strong winds, leading to dangerous wind chills that can make it feel even colder than the actual temperature. Additionally, snowfall may occur during a cold spell, further contributing to hazardous conditions.

Which is stronger polar jet stream or subtropical jet stream?

Polar jet stream is stronger.

Which statement is true of jet streams?

The polar jet stream is generally stronger than the subtropical jet stream

Lies along the polar jet stream?

The su polar low lies along the polar jet stream :)

What is the difference between a continental jet stream and a polar jet stream?

A continental jet-stream travels parallel to the equator - a polar jet-stream travels in a north/south direction.

which is true of jet streams?

The polar jet stream is generally stronger than the subtropical jet stream

What is true about a jets stream?

The polar jet stream is generally stronger than the subtropical jet stream

What determines how far south the the cold air from the north pole travels?

The jet stream

What is a true fact about jet streams?

The polar jet stream is generally stronger than the subtropical jet stream

What statement is true of jet streams A. The subtropical jet stream lies between the westerlies and polar easterlies. B. The subtropical jet stream flows to the east while the polar jet stream flows?

The subtropical jet stream lies between the westerlies and trade winds.

What convectional cell in the atmosphere connects the polar jet stream and the subtropical jet stream?
